Monday, September 30

Mexican tortilla delivery man is shot to death; they suspect he was a cartel hawk

Ejecutan a halcón del narco; tenía 17 años de edad.
They execute the drug hawk; was 17 years old.

Photo: @Calvarie_Locus / Courtesy

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 10 May 2022, 8: 54 am EDT

A young man who delivers tortillas Mexicanas was shot to death while doing his job in Morelos , a state located in the center of Mexico. An armedcommand surprised the victim, who had 17 year old; there are suspicions that it was “hawk” of a drug cartel and his activities as a delivery man only served as a front. By the way, the executed had already received threats with narcomantas signed by a drug cartel .

#PuentedeIxtla #Morelos


16: 30 hrs

Armando, delivery man, is executed of tortillas, in the Hidalgo neighborhood, Degollado street.

It is worth mentioning that yesterday 07/05/22 they executed Jesús, another tortilla distributor, who had 17 years old, in the community of El Estudiante.

— LaMasakr3 (@Calvarie_Locus) May 9, 2015

-Read more: Mexican singer Gabriel Soto is killed, after a gunshot attack on the border

“This goes for all the children of pu%& who supported Juan Parra and his people, they already saw that they left him alone to die”, says part of one of the narcomantas they used to intimidate the tortilla distributor, a few days before he was shot while working in the neighborhoods most violent and dangerous in Morelos.

The deceased was identified as Armando and on social networks it emerged that he was a hawk for the criminal organization of los Cahuiras, a gang dedicated to drug dealing , thefts and extortions in the state of Morelos. Hawking activities consist of keeping an eye on rival gangs, potential victims of murder

and kidnapping, to report it to the heads of the cartels.

In February of this 2022, two members of the Cahuiras were arrested for extorting money from a family, who were also robbed of their vehicles. The specialized Public Ministry (MP) managed to submit a process to prosecute César or Esteban “N”, alias el Sapo, of 16 year old; and to Francisco Javier “N”, of 33 years; for the crimes of extortion, aggravated robbery and drug dealing, according to the local Prosecutor’s Office.

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