Monday, September 30

Former prison officer who helped her convicted lover escape, died by shooting herself as police approached

Durante la persecución a alta velocidad, los alguaciles chocaron con un camión, lo que provocó que el Cadillac de los prófugos se estrellara.
During the high-speed pursuit, the marshals collided with a truck, causing the fugitives’ Cadillac to crash.

Photo: Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office / Courtesy

An inmate suspected of murder in Alabama was captured and his lover, the jail boss who helped him escape, fatally committed suicide on Monday after a manhunt of 10 days that ended with a car chase in Indiana, authorities said.

The head of the prison, Vicky White, suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Inmate Casey Cole White was in custody after The couple was tracked to a hotel on a citizen tip received by police on Sunday night, authorities told reporters Monday night.

Evansville Sheriff Dave Wedding said the suspects fled in a black Cadillac when they were discovered, sparking a mobilization.

During the high-speed chase, the marshals collided with a truck, causing the vehicle to crash.

“When this happened, the driver of the vehicle shot herself and the passenger was injured” , Wedding said at the press conference.

“His injuries are very serious .

“It’s hard to believe they’ve been here for so many days, but we’re glad we ran into them today.”

Vicky could not survive her injuries. She was transported to a hospital where she later died.

Wedding said that Vicky was driving the vehicle.

The dramatic capture of the couple took place after that the marshals published photos of a Ford F-150 2006 of dark color that was found abandoned in Evansville, Indiana, reported WVTM 10.

The snapshots, taken at a car wash on Tuesday, showed a man in a baseball cap and sunglasses who is believed to be Casey.

Also Monday, Vicky was charged with second degree forgery and identity theft for allegedly using an alias to purchase the orange Ford Edge 1200 used in your exhaust.

That car was later found abandoned on a country road in College Grove, Tennessee, just a few hours from after the alleged escape on April 29.

Rick Singleton, Lauderdale County Sheriff, said the car was likely abandoned due to mechanical problems.

Chad Hunt, commander of the regional fugitive task force, told WAAY that the discovery of the couple’s getaway car in Williamson County, Tennessee, had given authorities a more specific area to focus on trying to hunt them down.

“Although we are seven days after the fact that the vehicle was abandoned, we have that base, we have that starting point,” Hunt told WAAY.

Said that before locating the Ford Edge, they were forced to search in all directions.

“Now we have that address, please so all our resources are there until we have another direction to follow”, he told the outlet.

Meanwhile, Casey’s former attorney, Dale Bryant, said that the inmate “suffers from a mental illness.”

“When he is on medication and in a supervised environment… he is a decent person,” said Bryant to the station.

“When he gets out of prison, he cannot continue with his medication and even self-medicates by smoking methamphetamine or taking other illegal substances” .

Casey fled from the Lauderdale County Jail on April 29 with Vicky, from 56 years old, former deputy director of corrections.

Singleton called the couple’s relationship a “prison romance.”

Vicky had told her coworkers that she was taking Casey a mental health evaluation in court, but never made an appointment.

Instead, leave donated the police cruiser he was driving and is believed to have fled with Casey in the Ford Edge sometime earlier that day.

He had recently filed his retirement papers and sold his home in Lexington.

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