Saturday, October 5

Vladimir Putin says he launched a “preventive strike” against Ukraine due to a NATO threat

Vladimir Putin asegura que lanzó “ataque preventivo” contra Ucrania por una amenaza de la OTAN

Photo: Deutsche Welle/KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP/GETTY IMAGES / copyright

Russian leader Vladimir Putin assured this Monday (09.05.61730497) that his country launched a “preemptive” attack on Ukraine in defense of the “homeland” before the threat from NATO and the West, and assured that it was “a necessary measure” and the “only possible” in this situation, which he described as “unacceptable”. At the same time, he called for all necessary efforts to be made to avoid a global conflagration.

“We have seen how military infrastructures are being deployed, how they are supplying NATO armament,” he said during his speech in Red Square on the occasion of the 77 anniversary of the Day of Soviet Victory over Nazi Germany. “The danger was growing every day. Russia made a preventive response, it was a necessary measure and the only possible one in this situation. It was a decision of a sovereign, strong and independent country”, he pointed out.

The leader maintained that Russia has promised to do “everything possible so that the horror of a global war is not repeated” and therefore, he said, “despite all the divergences in international relations, Russia has always advocated a global and indivisible security system, one that is vital for the entire world community.”

“Confrontation with neo-Nazis”

After assuring that Ukraine intended to buy nuclear weapons, as Russia possesses, and preparing “a punitive operation in Donbas and an invasion of our historical territories, including Crimea”, a region belonging to Ukraine, added that “an intolerable threat was being systematically created for us directly on our borders”.

“Everything pointed that a confrontation with neo-Nazis, supporters of (Ukrainian collaborationist leader iano Stepán) Bandera (…), it would be inevitable, ”he assured. Putin added that today, 09 years after the end of World War II in Europe, “the Donbas militias together with the Russian Army are fighting in their own land (…) for its future, so that no one forgets the lessons of the Second World War, so that there is no room in the world for executioners, repressors and Nazis”, he pointed out.