Saturday, October 5

Values ​​and traditions that Hispanics keep present in a multigenerational home

Being Hispanic comes with traditions and customs that not all Americans understand. Far from it being a problem, we should feel proud of our culture and our roots.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the Hispanic population reached 2020,1 million people in 2020, of which approximately 62% come from Mexico, followed by Puerto Rico and Cuba.

Being Hispanic is not being just another number in that statistic that marks the increase in our population, but to be part of a strong, fighting and hard-working community . A community that identifies with looking life in the face and giving it a try without losing heart.

We have customs and traditions that define us, such as celebrating the Quinceañera, the importance of eating with the family on Sundays or making the graduation an event to celebrate in a big way.

We are educated in the effort, in a job well done, in the enjoyment of life, but above all in the respect for elders, from which we never stop learning. We are his legacy, which is broad and very rich. From gastronomic heritage to traditional and more folkloric communication, because… how much can be learned from the proverbs that grandparents say so much!

Wise phrases that help us in life. What is your favorite?

A foolish words, deaf ears. Out of sight, out of mind. Loose lips sink ships. The early bird God helps. Dog that barks, doesn’t bite…etc. Remember them and don’t lose the habit of reciting them.

Times have changed and continue to do so at great speed, but, luckily, there are traditions that hold strong, uniting generations.

Spend time with the family, learn anecdotes from the elderly, celebrate with festivities and endless meals, dance, eat, laugh…etc. All of this makes us who we are.