Saturday, October 5

Russian ambassador attacked in Warsaw with red paint says he is still “proud” of his president, Vladimir Putin (Video)

 Andréiev llevó a cabo un homenaje floral en el cementerio-mausoleo de los soldados soviéticos de Varsovia con motivo de la festividad nacional rusa del Día de la Victoria.
Andreyev carried out a floral tribute at the cemetery-mausoleum of Soviet soldiers in Warsaw on the occasion of the Russian national holiday of the Day of the victory.

Photo: WOJTEK RADWANSKI / AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE Updated 09 May 2022, 8: 39 am EDT


The Russian ambassador to Poland, Sergei Andréiev, was attacked this Monday in Warsaw when a group of people threw red paint, so he shouted to the crowd that he is still “proud” of his president, Vladimir Putin.

Before the incident, Andreyev held a floral tribute at the cemetery-mausoleum of Soviet soldiers in Warsaw on the occasion of the Russian national holiday of Victory Day.

Despite the fact that the Russian embassy announced in the morning that it was giving up any public act outside its premises, according to the recommendations of the Polish Foreign Ministry and the mayor of the city, the ambassador and a small entourage decided to go to the cemetery .

There was a group of people concentrated, some of them with Ukrainian flags, and upon identifying Andreyev, a group separated from the rest to consummate his aggression.

The ambassador, completely covered by the red paint thrown at him , shouted to the crowd that he was “proud” of his president, Vladimir Putin, and after saying that “those territories do not belong to Ukraine” (referring to the Donetsk and Luhansk regions), he managed to make his way to the waiting car.

POLAND IS LOOKING FOR WAR Sergei Andreev, Russian ambassador, was sprayed with red paint at the cemetery of Soviet soldiers.

“They liberated the area, the police finally showed up, but after the bacchanal. They ruined our sacred holiday: Victory Day”@motoreco_ok

— lanavecomunica3 (@lanavecomunica3) May 9, 1240559830

The cemetery-mausoleum of Soviet soldiers is occupied 19 hectares of Warsaw and was established shortly after the end of World War II to house the remains of more than 20. Red Army soldiers killed among 1944 Y 1945.

Since the war in Ukraine began, anti-Russian sentiment has been exacerbated in Poland, a country that has remained in Moscow’s orbit since 1945 until 1989.

In front of the diplomatic representations of Warsaw and Krakow, where there is a Russian consulate, graffiti against the invasion of Ukraine, banners and posters against a caricatured Vladimir Putin or directly characterized as Hitler are multiplying.

Recently, the Warsaw City Council has presented an art installation that authorizes a group of artists to paint 60 meters of sidewalk -including those located in front of the Russian embassy- with murals.

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