Thursday, September 19

Jupiter begins its transit through Aries: the opportunity for a new beginning for each zodiac sign

As the planets pass through the zodiac we all feel their effects. On May 10 Jupiter, the ruler of expansion, human developments, higher education and philosophy, will begin its transit through Aries , the first sign of the zodiac, so its energy will be combined with the impetuousness of the ram.

Astrologers predict that there will be an important change when this happens, but fortunately for all, they will be more positive than negative. While Jupiter was in Pisces, we had a vision focused on our most longed-for dreams and fantasies, now that it will be in Aries it will be a motivating awakening to achieve those goals.

This is how the well-known twins of AstroTwins astrology in an article on There they commented that it will be time to be more daring and look at those ideas that we consider crazy . We could make them come true. They detailed how it will affect each zodiac sign as Jupiter transits Aries from 10 May to 12 October.


It will be a new beginning for those of this sign, but they must bear in mind that this beginning represents a cycle of 12 years, the time it will take for Jupiter to return to this sign. Astrologers recommend adjusting and reviewing the projects you have in mind.


You are in a period annual astrological closing. The next sign that Jupiter will touch will be Taurus, before it does so the following year, it has to take the opportunity to finish what it has started.


The transit of Jupiter in Aries will bring new collaborations and characters to your life. It will be a good time to undertake in sectors of technology and social networks. If you combine your abilities with those of other people, astrology promises you a period of success.


The astrologers comment that you will enter a very lucky annual period for your career. In addition, this energy will lead him to evaluate the relationship with an important man in his life with whom he will live an evolution.


It will increase your professional ambitions, which represents the ideal time to be more risky. He will feel ready to share with others more daring and innovative.


he Will want to take risks, but calculated. The changes and transformations that he will experience will be of a permanent nature. Think of pregnancies, breakups, real estate investments or launching personal projects.


The transit of Jupiter in Aries will make you feel committed. From business to romance. He predicts a period of external changes and growth.


It will show what you need to change in your life. way to eat, exercise and take care of yourself. During the transit of Jupiter in Aries you will be motivated to adopt healthier habits in your life.


It will be a period in which your talents will be recognized because Jupiter will be impacting the sector of fame and attention. Big changes are also predicted as a move to a bigger place.


The passage of Jupiter in Aries will make him jump from a passive to an active state. You’ll be motivated to hold more gatherings at home and might even decide to move to a place where your guests feel more comfortable.


Social relationships will flourish and you could get involved in large-scale projects. You might find a new place to call “home” where you’ll consider living or spending your time. In addition, it will be the ideal period to make courageous decisions in your personal finances.


Discoveries , dreams and projects that you worked on in the past months will begin to take shape with the passage of Jupiter from your sign to Aries. You will realize that some are just an illusion, but others will be worth materializing and focusing on.

You may be interested in:
– Inner and outer planets: what are they and how do they affect your life, according to astrology
– Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces: how it impacts your zodiac sign
– Why the transit of Jupiter through Pisces is the most anticipated event of the 2022