Sunday, September 29

Eduin Caz from Grupo Firme denies overdose and heart attack from a hotel in Mexico

Eduin Caz de Grupo Firme.
Eduin Caz from Grupo Firme.

Photo: BRIDGET BENNETT. / AFP / Getty Images

The vocalist of the group Grupo Firme, Eduin Caz, had to be taken to a hospital during a concert he gave in Foro Sol de México last Friday, where they were a full house for five shows. Of course, the fans were worried about the singer’s health and he himself had to step out and deny the alleged rumors of overdose and heart attack that, according to the account, they said on social networks.

“They’re saying no like a heart attack or something like that. No, that didn’t happen to me. It is not true that they have contact with people on my team and, if so, tell me what their names are so I can run them because they are giving wrong information. And also look on other pages about overdose… I don’t use drugs, I like to drink… Don’t be fooled by what people say. That’s why I’m explaining them to you right now and nothing else…”, was the most forceful part of the message from Eduin Caz on Instagram

that he did while resting from a hotel in Mexico, after appearing with Grupo Firme.

The singer gave a very good explanation to his fans in Instagram: “There is a lot of gossip, a lot of misinformation about what happened to me yesterday… Well, today at dawn… It rained on Friday… It hailed… No we like to cancel concerts and I said: -No, you can’t cancel it- It was very stressful and I was doing badly. I enjoyed it to the fullest and I drank a lot, a lot… I was kind of upset, well… I was angry and I couldn’t concentrate well. I wasn’t there and what happened was that I got drunk, very drunk on Friday… If they left a while ago… They know I have a hiatal hernia and they told me that I have to control the socket. It’s more until I canceled it and that day I completely forgot… On Friday I took about 3, 4 shots of 10 seconds and I ended up drunk and burning… and with diarrhea and before the show I drank, but I drank for joy… I was very happy and then I drank again but I had medicine and I left the show and there is a lady who He makes us eat… And we were in the kitchen, commando, birria, everything, but it was acidity… More acidity and I ate, it was too much for my body. I finished dinner and he came to the hotel…. other friends were on their way that I had invited to spend time with my family…. I got to the hotel and heartburn hit me like in my heart and back. I fell, I collapsed… I felt everything hot… As if they set me on fire. I couldn’t take it and I faded…”, added the member of Grupo Firme, Eduin Caz.

Also showing some bottles of champagne and tequila that he could not drink to celebrate the great success of the band of regional mexican, after the latest successes. Especially the one from two weeks ago when they put on the entire audience of Coachella 1200. Now, this oversight by Eduin Caz will lead him to start a long and strict treatment again in which, as he explained, he cannot drink coffee, nor eat flour, nor his nutritional supplements. He besides he will have to submit to new studies on the stomach. Fortunately, the Mexican is out of danger and this was nothing more than a good scare for him, his family and of course the fans of Eduin Caz from Grupo Firme and his wife They show off their amazing bodies in Hawaii.

Keep reading:

Eduin Caz and Jhonny Caz set the Coachella stage on fire and celebrate with Becky G the success of Grupo Firme and Mexico
Language of Eduin Caz from Grupo Firme wreaks havoc on Instagram

VIDEO: Eduin Caz receives criticism in networks for his look of more than $95 thousand dollars

Eduin Caz, vocalist of Grupo Firme, reveals how he found out that his brother Jhonny is gay: “ You are born with that”