Sunday, September 29

Biden believes that Putin does not find a “way out” for the invasion of Ukraine

Estados Unidos insiste que Vladímir Putin ha recurrido a mentiras desde del inicio de la guerra como parte de su estrategia.
The United States insists that Vladimir Putin has resorted to lies since the start of the war as part of his strategy.

Photo: Scott Olson / Getty Images


For: EFE Updated 09 May 2022, 23: 03 pm EDT

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, said on Monday that he was concerned because he considers that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin “does not find a way out” to end the war in Ukraine after failing to occupy the country.

During a charity event on the outskirts of the capital, Biden opined that Putin “believed that could break NATO and the European Union” when he ordered last 24 February the invasion of Ukraine, but, according to the US president, it did not succeed.

Biden, who described Putin as “very calculating”, and considered that it is not managing to “find a way out” of the invasion, so the White House is “studying” what to do about it.

Initially, Russian troops tried to take the Ukrainian capital, kyiv, but in April they withdrew from the area and focused their efforts on the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine.

For its part, Putin defended this Monday that the objective of his military campaign is to defeat “Nazism” in Ukraine and guarantee the security of Russia in the face of the “threat” of NATO,

on the occasion of Victory Day over Nazi Germany.

“The defense of the fatherland was always sacred . Now, in our days, you fight for our people in Donbas, for the security of our homeland, Russia”, stressed the Russian president during the traditional military parade in Red Square.

Later, the Pentagon replied to the Russian president that in Ukraine “there are only Ukrainians, no Nazis”.

“We have heard the same boasts, the same falsehoods, the same lies, in terms of their rhetoric, that we have heard from the beginning,” said the spokesman for the US Department of Defense, John Kirby, in a conference of press.

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USA. responds to Vladimir Putin that in Ukraine there are only Ukrainians, not Nazis