Monday, September 30

Beware of hackers: América, Chivas and Cruz Azul are among the most used passwords in Mexico and they do not take long to be discovered

La palabra 'america' fue la novena palabra más utilizada como contraseña en México en 2021.
The word ‘america’ was the ninth most used word as a password in Mexico in 2021.

Photo: Eloisa Sánchez / Imago7

Business Insider Mexico revealed what the passwords were used in Mexico in 2021, and three teams from the League MX are among the favorites of Mexicans: America, Chivas and Cruz Azul. But this is not good news, because these keys are among the easiest for hackers to crack.

The word “america“, in clear reference to Club América, was the ninth most used code by Mexicans in 2021. It only takes two minutes for hackers to crack it. Being in the top 15 of passwords, surely many users were violated due to the ease of the key in question.

Same case for the following two cases: “chivas” is in the position 15 of most used passwords, and it will be enough for a second of lucidity for the hacker so he can guess it. It is the simplest of all, along with other obvious passwords such as “123456”, “mexico”, “password” and “123abc”.

Finally there is “cruzazul“, like this, with the words together without leaving space, in the position 44. This password can take approximately three hours away from hackers. Still it is vulnerable.

#Technology | These are the most common and most insecure passwords in Mexico

The Business Insider Mexico platform revealed the passwords that thousands of Mexicans use, and how easily they can be discovered by hackers.

— NotiGDL (@NotiGDL) May 05, 2022

This way it is clear that if you plan to use the name of your favorite team as a password, especially if it is America , Chivas or Cruz Azul, you may have to change plans or combine with other words, because the security of your data could be at risk.

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