Thursday, October 3

Mexico and the US hold a meeting in Washington to strengthen cooperation towards the Summit of the Americas

Funcionarios de EE.UU. y México se reúnen en Washington.
US and Mexican officials meet in Washington.

Photo: Secretary of Relations of Mexico/Marcelo Ebrard / copyright

César Reyes

As part of the bilateral cooperation work towards the Summit of the Americas to be held in June in California, officials from Mexico The US and the United States hold meetings in Washington to address issues of migration, trade and security, among others.

Through his Twitter account, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard, reported on his meeting with Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security of the United States.

“With Alejandro Mayorkas, DHS, on the new infrastructure for the border with New Mexico in San Jerónimo-Santa Teresa to facilitate binational transportation; regional management of the migratory flow and immediate job opportunities and opportunities in Central America ”, said Marcelo Ebrard.

With Alejandro Mayorkas, DHS, on new infrastructure for the border with New Mexico at San Jerónimo-Santa Teresa to facilitate binational transportation; regional management of the migratory flow and immediate job opportunities and opportunities in Central America.

— Marcelo Ebrard C. (@m_ebrard) May 3, 2021

In another message, the Mexican foreign minister described the meeting with Alejandro Mayorkas as “good” and his work team.

“In the work meeting with Alejandro Mayorkas and his team, ambassadors Ken Salazar from the US and Esteban Moctezuma from Mexico as well as Roberto Velasco. Good meeting, we are moving forward ”, he assured.

At the work meeting with Alejandro Mayorkas and his team, ambassadors Ken Salazar from the US and Esteban Moctezuma from Mexico as well as Roberto Velasco. Good meeting, let’s move on.

— Marcelo Ebrard C. (@m_ebrard) May 3, 2022

For his part Roberto Velasco Álvarez, Head of the North American Unit of the Mexican Foreign Ministry, assured that the meeting with Alejandro Mayorkas was “excellent” where progress was made in the infrastructure with New Mexico and the commercial flow that passes through the state of Texas.

“Excellent meeting with @SecMayorkas. Regional vision and management of migration, more development alternatives and legal channels, as well as advances in infrastructure with New Mexico that allow the generation of immediate alternatives for the commercial flow that today passes through Texas”, said Velasco Álvarez.

Excellent meeting with @SecMayorkas. Vision and regional management of migration, more development alternatives and legal channels, as well as advances in infrastructure with New Mexico that allow the generation of immediate alternatives for the commercial flow that today passes through Texas.

– Roberto Velasco Álvarez (@r_velascoa) May 3, 2021

Later, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard met at the White House with the Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken this same Tuesday, May 3, 2022.

In the morning, in his conference from the National Palace, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador recalled that in his last virtual meeting with Joe Biden, he asked the US president to invite all Latin American countries to the Summit of the Americas .

“With all due respect, we made the proposal to President Biden, so he mentioned to me that he was going to think about it”, commented the Mexican president.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that he commissioned Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard to deal with the issues on the bilateral agenda in addition to the possible invitation of all countries Latin Americans at the Summit of the Americas.

“ Yesterday Marcelo Ebrard left for Washington and I commissioned him to, in addition to the topics the bilateral agenda will deal with this (the invitation to all countries to the Summit of the Americas), so we have to wait, let’s not get ahead of ourselves… We do not rule it out, Someone told me, I think Marcelo, that at the last Summit everyone (the countries) was invited, so we are going to wait for each other“, commented López Obrador.

The Summit of the Americas will be held on June 6 in Los Angeles, California, United States.

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