Friday, September 20

Galilea Montijo wears a tiny bikini to enter a tub with ice: “I'm going for more!”

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 03 May 2022, 25: 20 pm EDT

After Michelle Renaud revealed the benefits of getting into a tub with ice, several celebrities confessed who would like to try this type of therapy and one of the first brave ones was Galilea Montijo, who shared the moment in which he was submerged in frozen water and was thanked by thousands of fans who also admired the great body he wore with a tiny bikini.

Fully motivated and wanting to experience the practice of submerging in ice, Galilea Montijo put on a tiny pink bikini to enter a frozen bathtub with the help of Michelle Renaud, who supported her at all times and guided her to achieve the goal.

And although the host of the “Hoy” program confessed that she only managed to stay in the water for just over 2 minutes, it was an experience that gave her great satisfaction, for which she says Go try again.

“¡ My 1st try on Ice! I got 2: 25 Thanks Michelle Renaud for your help and advice #tafuerte But I’m going for more!!!“He wrote next to the video in which he exposed the adventure he experienced.

The Mexican actress and presenter has not been the only one who has decided to practice the method, since days before the protagonist of ‘La Herencia’ He shared that he accompanied a group of friends, with whom he also breathed into an ice container and ended up warming up the body.

“I love that we are all such for each other and we really enjoy the experience. Now you will have a lot of energy all week, good vibes and multiple health benefits for your body “, said Renaud who He has done this activity repeatedly and now takes it naturally.

Wim Hof’s method consists of taking several breaths at a rate that allows oxygen to accumulate in the body, obtaining benefits such as improving sports performance and recovery, reinforcing anxiety control, increasing energy, sleep quality, willpower and determination, strengthening defenses, helping to mitigate stress and even improves mental health, which is why every day more people recommend it, one of them is the actress Michelle Renaud, who has been in charge of sharing through her social networks what she has obtained since performing this technique.

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