Friday, September 20

Adamari López exclusively: Her life one year after separating from Toni Costa, and three years after joining WW Oprah Winfrey

She says that she is happy and calm… That when she made the decision to separate from Toni Costa a year ago, it was not rushed, but thoughtful. In exclusive Adamari López tells us about her new life as a woman without a partner, as a mother, as a professional and about having achieved a healthy life, reaching her weight goal thanks to the three years she has been in the program Oprah Winfrey WW (Weight Watchers).

This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day and Ada is clear: “ I am very focused on Alaïa and on seeing her well, and on not being affected by anything that happens around her“.

-A year of many internal and physical changes, accompanied by the hand of WW

Adamari López: Fortunately, I have been for almost 3 years, 2 years at the hands of WW, I started when the pandemic was just before my journey for a lifestyle healthy and I am super, super happy to have achieved the proposed goal, to have focused enough to achieve it. WW offered me as a tool, and obviously from the hand of Miki, who calls me every Monday to continue focusing, and visualizing what are the goals we want to achieve or maintain, I have been able to lose weight, and have a healthy lifestyle.

-Achieving it is one of the most important goals, but maintaining it is the most difficult, how do you go through that part ?

Adamari López: With the tools you have given me it has become much easier, because I really has found as a focus, before, perhaps I was distracted by anything, when WW also started with the pandemic, it suddenly distracted me a bit, but I began to reassess things, to leave things that I understood that I also they were delaying that process. For example, I completely left soft drinks, which was something that I had not left at the beginning, because WW allows you to eat the food you want, within the points , one is the one who decides. In order to maintain the number of points that you get because everything is personalized, each one has a different number of points.

Keeping up is not easy either, so what is learn to know what are the things that make me feel satisfied, eat something that has a larger amount of points, maybe not eat it whole, but just grab portions and share them with someone else, because at usually one eats with people. It’s a matter of feeling satisfied, I shouldn’t finish the whole plate of food, I’ve been able to recover that balance, I’ve been able to maintain myself. Obviously, within the application I can do other activities and add them, exercise, yes, I am doing activities with Alaïa.

For example, there are days that we go to taekwondo, that we ride a bike, things that we really like. Sometimes he makes me run it around the house, and now he also loves basketball, so I walk with the ball to see if I can remove it, or we play to see who catches whom… This type of things that may seem simple and that are daily in the life of the child, are points that count in one’s favor. Obviously I have my training with my personal trainer that I go to every day, I add walks, I run down the street, and I think it has already been done as part of my routine and my live daily, the days that I don’t, I need it or the days that I can’t go where the trainer replaced it with some other physical activity that I do with Alaïa. Having a lifestyle that complements that of my daughter, that of my work, the woman that I am, mother, working woman, head of the house, housewife, all the things that touch me.

Adamari López y Alaïa
Adamari López and Alaïa. Photo: Latin Iconos

-You got to maintenance, how do you the balance to not believe that you always ‘lack’ and go to the unhealthy side?

Adamari López: Well, I think that one always wants to demand more. I have reached a weight and sometimes I say: “Will it be a little lower, will it be that?”… I think that one always wants to look for the better, and when you have achieved certain goals Well obviously new ones are coming. Maybe there are days when I say, “I want to get more muscle, I want to work my arms more, I already want to see myself more defined in that part”… A new goal, and I think that’s a good motivation to always move forward.

The main motivation for all this has also been Alaïa, the fact that I see that she she’s so good at sports, that she has so many skills and sometimes I feel like I’m left behind, that I couldn’t share certain moments with her, and that I was out of breath… I had to do it to be a present mom , to be a mother who shares many things with her and I have to have this energy, and in order to achieve that, I had to make a change in the way I ate, in which I slept, in which I expressed myself in general, and I think that thanks to WW, I have been able to achieve that change. They have gone hand in hand, I have my application, I have my coach who I tell you, I speak every Monday at 3: PM with her and she keeps us focused, I’m like the reminder of the things that I have to do in the week, sleep better, drink more water, the focus of also doing things that one likes. We focus so much, we are so determined to please others, and we forget that we also have to please ourselves and be generous with ourselves, as the body speaks to us.

-How has Alaïa taken this change of, for example, food?

Adamari López: I think she always saw me trying to exercise, doing activities with her, obviously now She sees that I have the resistance to be able to continue living wonderful moments with her, and continue creating memories. In the part of the nutrition we support each other, and I push her a lot so that she also has a healthy lifestyle, including foods that are important for her, for her growth, for his development, so that he can be in school focused. She knows that eating to lose weight was never talked about here at home, we are going to eat protein to be healthy and strong, and I think she has also sought to try more foods and more things that they are nutritious, that what I did before, but because they see it on my plate, what they see is what they do.

Adamari López, Toni Costa and Alaïa dance in ‘ Así Se Baila’ . Photo: Telemundo/Alex Tamargo

-The day of mother and it’s been a year since you decided you wanted to follow your path alone, with your daughter, having Toni only as her father, how has this year been?

Adamari López: Now, in all aspects, she continues to be an example for my daughter Alaïa. Toni, whenever he decides, the life of the girl will be present, because he is her father and here the doors will always be open to share and create memories with her, and that we continue to be a family, like the one we are in now, he in his place, us in ours, but always being a family, making decisions together that are for her benefit above all. It was not a hasty decision, it was a correct decision, and I am calm with everything that this has brought, which may have been unexpected for Alaïa, but in the end I know that, and I hope, that the 2 what we want is always the best for the girl.

–But, how has your year been, how have you lived, as a woman, as a mother?

Adamari López: Well with the novelty of the things that happened, but with the peace of mind that they have been the right decisions and I have taken it very calmly, and as I told you, it was not saying a decision lightly, it was a decision of something that I understood had to happen, and since the moment I made the decision, I assumed what could happen, what was going to happen and I have been working to continue Well, then to continue growing as a woman, as a person, as a mother, as a professional and I am calm, I am calm, how things turned out on my side.

–Are you happy?

Adamari López: I am happy, of course, happy and calm.

Adamari López y AlaïaAdamari López y Alaïa
Adamari López and Alaïa. Photo: Latin Icons

-What advice do you give to these mothers who take care of their children and want to have a healthy lifestyle but find it difficult because they have many tasks involved?

Adamari López: I hope that among the things I have done, it will serve as an inspiration for many women, Latin moms who are watching us, and maybe they will follow me. Me I think you have to know how to find that balance between being a mother, being a woman, being a professional. I have an agenda, I organize myself a lot, I have few spaces to indulge myself, so I have to organize well. Right now I am very focused on Alaïa and on seeing her well, and on not being affected by anything that happens around her… Since I work very early in the morning, it has helped me the space when I leave work until she leaves school, every day I do something in between for myself, which is to exercise, I go and give myself reduction massages for a few days, another day I have to do my hands because it’s part of my job, hands and feet, that goes every 2 weeks, maybe every month because I’m going to do my hair because I have to touch up my roots…

I try to organize myself within my agenda, to be able to find those spaces between when I leave work and when I go to looking for the school because the rest of the afternoon is usually for her, she took her to her activities, to her tutorials, to everything she had to do, piano class. Her dad usually takes her golf, but there are also days when I go or accompany her . But there we look for that balance of her, and later in the afternoon to find study with her, bathe with her, eat with her. The afternoon, from 2: 30 PM onwards is for her, and on weekends we do things together or during the hours that she is with her dad, exchanging schedules better and planning so that he has his space then. , I have mine, the girl has the best of the 2, and we can, as a woman, also fulfill ourselves in things we want to do, but all that is with a lot of communication… When there are separated parents, sometimes it complicates things more but it is not something that cannot be solved, it is a matter of knowing how to take advantage of time and dialogue and communication to be able to achieve it.


Today it was officially announced that Toni Costa would enter ‘The House of the Famous’ , and although this interview was done a few days before, Adamari was aware of what was going to happen and as Alaïa’s parents, the two agreed that the dancer I didn’t lose or job opportunity, and the little girl was doubly protected by her mother.


•Adamari López exclusively: The truth about how she got down 11 pounds and his relationship with Toni Costa

•Christian Nodal fulfilled Adamari López’s dream: he made his first tattoo in honor of the love of his life

•Daughter of Adamari López debuted as a presenter on television