Monday, September 30

They celebrated Children's Day in an inflatable and a San Bernardino Sheriff's helicopter causes a terrible accident

Mientras los niños jugaban, un helicóptero aterrizó en el helipuerto del alguacil, sin prever la posibilidad de un accidente.
While the children were playing, a helicopter landed on the sheriff’s helipad, not foreseeing the possibility of an accident.

Photo: KHALIL MAZRAAWI / AFP / Getty Images

From one moment to another, the party turned into a tragedy in Rancho Cucamonga, in San Bernardino County, California, because the Children who were celebrating their day playing on an inflatable were suddenly blown away by a gust of air which was caused by a Sheriff’s Department helicopter.

As a consequence, three children were injured, so an investigation is being carried out to find out the responsibility of the authorities in this mishap.

The father of the children affirms that his children suffered injuries when being hit by debris or being thrown to the ground, after the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department itself was the one who promoted the celebration with minors.

However, what was not counted on was that during the event, a sheriff’s helicopter landed in the rooftop helipad causes ing that the downdraft would lift the inflatable with everything and children.

Three children were taken to the hospital for treatment, while another less, who was inside the inflatable in the time of the incident, he did not need to be transferred.

The father of the children says that he was not warned about the helicopter, however, the department of bailiff says the aircraft was known to be part of the event.

For now, the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department and the Federal Aviation Administration are investigating the incident.

Accidents with inflatables are not an unprecedented event, there are even fatal precedents in the world, such as the one that happened in Australia in December 2021, when five children died and four others were seriously injured after they fell 32 feet from a bouncy castle lifted into the air by the wind at a school event.

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