Wednesday, July 3

Mhoni Seer predicts a tragic future for Elon Musk

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 02 May 2022, 54: 00 pm EDT

Mhoni Vidente did not predict a prosperous destiny for Elon Musk after buying Twitter. In her predictions for the month of May, the astrologer visualized that the owner of Tesla would be the victim of an attack and would be unable to control his fortune.

“ A very strong attack is coming to Elon Musk who may lose his life or part of his knowledge and fortunea” said the psychic in a video she uploaded to his YouTube channel, where he added that not only is he in danger, but also very powerful people around the world.

According to his prophecies, United States President Joe Biden will begin to suffer from senile dementia and will run into trouble with the Senate, where members of his own party see him as increasingly frail, particularly Barack and Michelle Obama, as well as Hillary Clinton and California Governor Gavin Newsom. He predicted that he will soon relinquish power citing health problems.

What will happen to Vladimir Putin?

One of the most cited by Mhoni Seer in his prophecies is Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he considers to be the third Antichrist. The astrologer predicted that she will advance in her strategy to keep “everything she can” and extend her power.

China’s support for Russia

As for China’s role in Russia’s war against Ukraine, the psychic predicted that it will support the Russians. In addition, a strategy will begin to continue dominating the world with a virus.

Mexico, in the Russian crosshairs

According to the astrologer, Mexico is part of Russia’s strategy to get closer to the United States. He predicted that Russian spies will begin to mix throughout the entire Mexican territory with the aim of keeping half of the Aztec country.

Economic forecasts

On the economic issue, the month of May will be one of the worst. Mhoni Vidente predicted that it will decrease in Mexico and Latin America. She will increase the prices of gasoline, gas, energy and fertilizers, mainly. He warned that the financial crisis could cause the fall of entire governments with fragile economies.

The climate in the world

On the other hand, the astrologer predicted that it will be a month characterized by storms. It will rain in places with droughts and the water will begin to flow again.

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