Saturday, October 26

For the first time in its history, California ran on 100% renewable electricity.

Julio Guzmán

The state of California got it. For the first time in its history, it managed to cover the demand of its region with electricity 100 % renewable. Much of this achievement was due to solar energy produced along the Interstate 10, located one hour east of the Coachella Valley.

While the energy demand in the state, on Saturday 29 in April, reached 18,672 megawatts for the 2: 45 pm, were available at 37,172 megawatts to supply it. This despite the fact that the country music festival Stagecoach Festival was taking place, held in Indio, which was attended by thousands of people.

The California Independent System Operator (CAISO, for its acronym in English), through its tracker, reported that the energy to cover the demand of the state came from renewable energies . Solar energy provided 12,391 megawatts, that is, two thirds of the available energy.

CAISO spokesperson, Anne Gonzales, said that the first indications indicate that has reached a new record, but they will need time to verify the situation.

This comes after several years of pressure from environmental groups to all the energy in the state comes from renewable energies, such as solar plants. Environment California has worked for 20 years to achieve this goal.

“California exceeds 100% on this historic day for clean energy!” wrote the adviser Envirement California Principal Dan Jacobson.

The next group goal environmentalists is to ensure that this type of energy with greater demand is applied throughout the country. However, the tariffs imposed on imported solar panels have made it difficult to carry out various renewable energy generation and storage projects. They trust that the administration of President Joe Biden can offer solutions on the issue.

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