Monday, September 30

Belinda is willing to continue defending Mexico: “It is a country to which I am very grateful”

If someone wants to make fun of Mexico, beware of Belinda . “Uff, I jump”, he said in an interview during the Platinum Awards 2022.

The singer and actress, who came to live in Spain due to a television project that she still cannot talk about, was a few days ago on the reference late night show, ‘La Endurance’. The driver, David Broncano, was criticized for the way in which the Spanish imitate Mexican speech. “As a Western film”, she said.

He added that, in this case, the Spanish, when dubbing foreign cinema, do it with a tone. of porn movies.

“ I will always defend Mexico, it is a country that I am very grateful and I love. I think you have to have humility before everything and everyone. Wherever you are, in Italy, Spain or the United States, you have to remember the good people and where you come from, your roots. Mexico is part of my life. I will always defend him and I only have good things to say “, she added.

Belinda’s arrival in the country has revolutionized the media in Spain. The most important newspapers have profiled her and recalled her recent controversies.

One of them, that she has problems with the Treasury in Mexico. Two, her recent and thunderous romantic breakup with the singer Christian Nodal, with whom she had promised to marry.

“ Personally, I am happy, and grateful for what is happening to me“, she said briefly about her emotional situation.

She does not know how long she will stay in Spain, but eat eager to get away to Mexico.

“I am only here because this opportunity was given to me, but as soon as I can I am going to Mexico to enjoy a mariachi, which strange. That’s exactly why I sang ‘El Rey’ on the program (La Resistencia), because I miss Mexico. ‘El Rey’ is wonderful and represents this country that has given me so much”.

Belinda is going to party

The 32-year-old blonde will premiere next Friday, May 6 ‘ Welcome to Eden’, a series that he did precisely in Spain. The show follows a group of young people who go to a secret island to have their best party in years. There will be countless traps, secrets and even science fiction elements.

“It’s a great job, a lot of effort. We were in Spain working for more than four months and it finally comes to light. I am very grateful and I am nervous. Now I want people to know Africa, which is what my character is called”, he said.

Created and written by Joaquín Gorriz (Disappeared) and Guillermo López (Trapped), the production has with a youthful cast, where Lola Rodríguez (Veneno) and Sergio Momo (Elite) stand out.

“Africa is very different from me. Obviously I gave a touch to me, but she is a girl who does not get her feelings out On the contrary, it shows if I am happy, if I am sad, angry . She is introverted and you don’t know how to read her well. She keeps a lot of her emotions.”

As her acting adventure began as a child, it could be said that Belinda, at this point, is a veteran of the screen. But, she said, she considers herself an apprentice who is going to be talked about well and badly.

“I don’t like to read either good or bad things about my work, I try to stay out of it, and do the job to the best of my ability. Criticism, I accept, with great humility, but I don’t focus on that. I try to improve every day, my character, my diction, how I represent Africa, my character now”.

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– After breaking up with Christian Nodal, Belinda reveals that she is very happy: “Happiness pure and simple”
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