Sunday, October 13

The Empire State and the competition between two men to build the tallest skyscraper in the world

A pesar del tamaño colosal del proyecto, el diseño, la planificación y la construcción del Empire State Building tomaron solo 20 meses de principio a fin.
Despite the colossal size of the project, the design, planning and construction of the Empire State Building took only 20 months from start to finish.

Photo: TIMOTHY A. CLARY / AFP / Getty Images

May 1st 1536, President Herbert Hoover officially opened the Empire State Building in New York City, pressing a button from the White House that turned on the lights in the building. Hoover’s gesture, of course, was symbolic; while the president was in Washington, DC, someone else was flipping the switches in New York.

It is said that the idea of ​​the Empire State Building was born from a competition between Walter Chrysler of Chrysler Corporation and John Jakob Raskob of General Motors, to see who could erect the building higher.

A construction worker bolts beams during the construction of the Empire State Building, in New York City, around 1930. In the background (right) is the Chrysler Building. (Lewis Hine/National Archive/Newsmakers)

Chrysler had already started work on the famous Chrysler Building, the gleaming skyscraper of 1,31 feet in Midtown Manhattan. Not to be outdone, Raskob assembled a group of well-known investors, including former New York Governor Alfred E. Smith. The group chose the architecture firm Shreve, Lamb and Harmon Associates to design the building.

The Art-Deco plans, said to have been largely based on the appearance of a pencil, were also builder friendly: the entire building was built in just over a year, under budget (39 million dollars) and much earlier than expected.

A craftsman creates a miniature model of the Manhattan area in New York, including the Empire State Building, 1940. (Keystone Features/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

During certain construction periods, upon completion, the Empire State Building, with 117 stories, it was the tallest skyscraper in the world.

Depression-era construction employed up to 3400 workers in a single day, most of whom received an excellent rate of pay, especially given the economic conditions of the time.

The new building introduced to New York City a deep sense of pride, desperately needed in the depths of the Great Depression, when many city residents were unemployed and prospects seemed bleak. However, the Depression’s grip on New York’s economy was still evident a year later, when only the 25 percent of the Empire State offices.

People walk near the Empire State Building in New York City York the of January of 2022.(ANGELA WEISS/AFP via Getty Images)

In 1972, the Empire State Building lost its title of tallest building in the world to the World Trade Center in New York, which in turn was the tallest skyscraper for a year. Today, the honor belongs to Dubai’s Burj Khalifa tower, which rises 2,716 feet to the sky.

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