Wednesday, October 9

Snack smart during pregnancy

I ate at least one hard-boiled egg on the way to work every morning while pregnant, which experts say is a great, nutrient-packed snack to have during pregnancy. But my downfall, and the reason for my weight gain above what is considered healthy during pregnancy, was my weakness for sweets. I gained 40 pounds instead of to 35 pounds recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for people with a “normal weight. ”

What you didn’t know then this trick that some nutrition experts say sometimes helps: Combining carbohydrates with protein, plus a little water, could curb those cravings of cakes, ice cream and sugary fruit juices.

To eat healthy during pregnancy, you will need more of certain nutrients compared to the average adult. But cravings are like a little devil whispering in your ear. Is there a place for them in your diet? That’s where smart snacks come in. (Skip ahead to the section below for ready-to-go snacks for pregnant women).

“Snacking is really very important because most people get very full faster during pregnancy,” says Katie Goldberg, a Dallas/Fort Worth-area nutritionist who specializes in prenatal nutrition. This is because the growing baby takes up more space in your abdomen while the actual space for your stomach is shrinking. As a result, you’ll need to eat more often to get all the nutrients you and your baby need.

How to Manage Cravings

Especially when you’re pregnant, it can be easy to say that it’s important to eat green leafy vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and whole grains, though it’s not always easy to put into practice when cakes dipped in chocolate stare at you in the bakery section of your grocery store. But you have no reason to be ashamed of it.

“Cravings are a natural part of pregnancy and can even help us meet nutrient needs. Instead of thinking of them as the enemy, let them guide you to find foods that you enjoy and that you can combine with whole foods, which are rich in nutrients,” says Goldberg.
For example, don’t deprive yourself and eat some of that chocolate, but combine it with some healthier fruits and nuts.

Control the urge to eat a pint of ice cream is a bit more complicated. Amber Trejo, a registered nutritionist and personal trainer in New York, suggests adding crushed nuts to ice cream to make it more filling.

Portion control is also key. Aim to eat about a half cup or less of no-mix ice cream (sorry, Stephen Colbert’s Americone Dream ice cream), plus some berries or other fruit as an occasional treat, says Amy Keating, nutritionist for Consumer Reports. And keep in mind: If ice cream is marketed as being better for you, you may want to take these claims with a dose of skepticism. “I would avoid low-fat or so-called ‘healthier’ ice creams that can have a lot of processed ingredients,” says Keating.

In general, Trejo says avoiding sweets completely can be a bad idea because it can lead to overeating when your willpower fails. “I don’t think pregnant women should avoid sweets entirely, but they shouldn’t ‘eat for two’ when it comes to sweets,” she says. For a healthier source of sugar, opt for blackberries and other whole fruits like peaches, nectarines, and cherries.

It’s also normal to crave pickled foods like pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut and jalapeños, says Trejo. It’s okay to enjoy these in moderation, she says, but be aware of their sodium content. Sodium can cause your body to retain fluid, which can cause swelling, like what you’ll see when your feet swell. While you need some sodium for your baby to grow, too much of it can also raise your blood pressure, which can be especially risky during pregnancy.

“It’s okay to enjoy a little bit, but maybe not the whole jar,” says Trejo. For a salty snack alternative, try popcorn with a little salt or a handful of nuts. Or try making your own kale fries or chips , that way you can control the amount of sodium you consume, says Trejo.

And you should know that cravings can be made worse by lack of sleep or dehydration, so make sure you drink plenty of water and get enough sleep, which can be difficult for some.

Nutrients you need

The average adult does not get enough calcium, vitamin D, and dietary fiber, according to the Department of Agriculture’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans. But during pregnancy, you’ll also want more iron, iodine, choline [choline], and other nutrients.

Iron : Extra iron during pregnancy can help prevent anemia, says Justine Chan, a Toronto-based registered dietitian. Your baby is using the iron you consume to grow, and will need enough to help keep both of you strong.

Iodine: Getting enough iodine is important for your baby’s brain development and although people of reproductive age generally get enough iodine, according to the USDA, it may not may be the case for some women, including those who do not regularly consume dairy products, eggs, or shellfish, or who do not use iodized table salt.

Choline: This nutrient is also important for your baby’s developing brain and nervous system. Experts agree that eggs are excellent sources of both iodine and choline, as well as protein. Nuts, seeds, whole grains, and a variety of fruits and vegetables are also sources of choline.

Folic Acid: The CDC says all women of reproductive age should take 100 micrograms of folic acid as a dietary supplement every day, in addition to consuming foods that are sources of folate, such as whole grains, green leafy vegetables such as cabbage or kale, and beans, such as black-eyed beans. This can help prevent certain major birth defects in the baby’s brain and spine.

Dietary Fiber: Fiber is one of those nutrients that almost everyone could use a little more of. When you’re pregnant, fiber is key to managing constipation, which can lead to hemorrhoids, and they’re common during pregnancy, says Chan.

Calcium and Vitamin D: Both help your baby build strong bones. In addition to cow’s milk, fortified plant-based milks can provide both nutrients.

Good on-the-go snacks

“I encourage my clients to focus on protein and fiber when choosing a snack. This naturally promotes better blood sugar balance, which means no drastic drops in energy level and more satisfaction with food,” says Goldberg, the pregnancy nutritionist.

Consider combining the fiber from fruit, 100% whole grain bread or granola with the protein from Greek yogurt or a bar of string cheese. If you want flavors of Asian or Latin cuisines in your prenatal snack plans, Chan suggests a fruit like pitahaya [dragonfruit] or durian paired with edamame, a baked plantain with cheese, or a corn tortilla with stewed meat. .

Or you can choose some of the suggestions below.

Avocados. Several of the nutritionists I spoke with praised avocados, and not just for consumption during pregnancy. They are packed with protein, healthy fats, and fiber; so you know, avocado toast haters.

Eggs. If a plain hard-boiled egg seems boring to you, try putting it on a slice of toast 100% whole grain with avocado, plus a sprinkle of hemp seeds or chia seeds, suggests Ryann Kipping, pregnancy nutritionist and author of “The Feel-Good Pregnancy Cookbook” (Rockridge Press, 2019). Or she considers deviled eggs. For those looking for flavors you’ll find in Asian cuisine, Chan suggests pairing a hard-boiled egg with grilled seaweed.

Hummus. “Hummus has so many great qualities for anyone, pregnant or not,” says Natalie Brunoforte, a registered dietitian and personal trainer based in Murrieta, California. Because it’s made from chickpeas, it’s a great combination of protein and healthy fats. It’s also a source of fiber, folic acid, and other B vitamins, says Brunoforte. When shopping, choose pasteurized hummus.
Pasteurization reduces the risk of foodborne illness, which can be especially worrying if you are pregnant. Or read how to make your own hummus.

Nuts and nut butter. “One of my favorite snacks during pregnancy to help curb the sweet tooth is Greek yogurt with dark chocolate chips and a little peanut butter”, says Trejo, who is a nutritionist and is also pregnant. That treat can give you a taste of what you’re craving, plus protein and fiber to give you and your baby some of the nutrients you’ll need.

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