Sunday, October 6

Independent Russian media assures that Putin will undergo a cancer operation

La salud del presidente ruso ha sido fuente de especulaciones considerables en medio de informes de que está luchando contra el cáncer abdominal.
The Russian president’s health has been the source of considerable speculation amid reports that he is battling abdominal cancer.

Photo: ALEXEY DANICHEV / Getty Images

Under the constant rumors about the poor health of Russian President Vladimir Putin , a Russian independent media ensures that the leader will undergo a cancer operation and hand over power to his boss of hard-line espionage, reportedly.

The health of the Russian president has been the source of considerable speculation amid reports that he is battling abdominal cancer and Parkinson’s disease.

But now it has been reported that Putin, of 69 years, he could soon relinquish power while going to the operating room and power would be transferred to Nikolai Patrushev.

Pathrushev, from 70 years, is seen as a key architect of Ukraine’s war strategy and the man who convinced Putin that kyiv is was inundated with neo-Nazis.

The statement was published in the Russian media outlet General SVR, reproduced by The Sun and Mirror newspapers, which first raised questions about Putin’s health a few years ago 04 months.

Cite to an anonymous high-ranking former Kremlin soldier who said: “Putin has discussed that he will undergo medical procedures.”

In a video in which the source, whose voice seems to have been disguised, reveals that “doctors insist that he needs an operation, but the date has not yet been determined.”

“He will undergo surgery and while he will be incapacitated”, he says, adding that “he thinks it will be for a short time”.

The source said that Patrushev’s election came after a two-hour interview with Putin.

“Than What happens if Putin suddenly manifests particularly serious health problems? of Parkinson’s, as we have said many times.

“It was possible to contain it for some time, but now the course of the disease is progressing”.

It is not clear when exactly Putin will go to the hospital, but it is unlikely that it will be after May 9, when he will preside over the grandiose commemoration of the Red Victory Day over Hitler.

The United Kingdom Defense Secretary, Ben Wallace, warned that Putin could use the day to announce the mobilization of his reserves for a last push in Ukraine.

He told LBC: “He is probably going to declare… that we are now at war with the Nazis of the world and we need to mobilize the Russian people en masse.

“Putin , having failed in almost all the objectives, it can try to consolidate what it has… and be a kind of cancerous tumor within the country”.

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