Wednesday, October 9

Christian Nodal's mother reappears after alleged colon cancer was detected

Megan Negrete

The environment of Christian Nodal continues to give something to talk about, this time it was the turn of his mother, Doña Cristy Nodal, who gave revealed a few weeks ago that she was diagnosed with colon cancer, news that caused a great impact.

And it is that Silvia Cristina, full name of her progenitor, has proven to be one of the great pillars of the Sonoran and although the also businesswoman had not been seen on networks, today she reappears and so she looked with one of her favorite singers.

According to what Cristy Nodal explained through her stories on Instagram, a malignant tumor was detected after some tests were done, so they had to operate her immediately, however, after carrying out other check-ups, the doctors were surprised to realize that her colon was in perfect condition and there was no trace of the injury.

2 weeks after Nodal’s mother announced her state of health, this Saturday morning The singer’s manager also reappeared on her official Instagram account, where she was seen accompanied by flamenco singer Diego Ramón Jiménez Salazar, better known as “El Cigala”.

The Spaniard of gypsy ethnicity and Dominican nationality since 2014 offered this Friday night a concert in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, which Cristy Nodal attended, as she revealed on her social networks, as she shared a series of images of the event and her private meeting with the singer.

Showing that she is a great fan of Spanish, Silvia Cristina posed together to “El Cigala” and asked him to sign a fan that he brought as a souvenir. In the images he can be seen with shorter hair and wearing a mask, however, it would be confirmed what that his son recently expressed in an interview, in which he affirmed that his mother was in good health.

At the end of his participation in the palenque of the Tepatitlán Fair, Christian declared that his mother is stable: “She is fine, I have seen her very well, thank God, I saw her right now and I am happy that she is very well”, showing that his mother is already traveling, as confirmed by the images next to “El Cigala”.

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