Monday, October 7

Hispanic boy from Colorado who died after being shot will save lives by being an organ donor

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 29 Apr 2022, 14: 54 pm EDT

A 3-year-old boy died after shooting himself with a pistol that was He was inside his family’s car. The minor has now become an angel for four other children by donating four of his organs.

Last Monday 24 in April, the child whose his personal information was not given, was traveling with his family in a truck, when they heard a shot . The minor had accidentally shot himself because he took the pistol that his parents had in the vehicle.

After being transferred to the hospital to try to save his life, the child was declared dead.

    The mother of the minor, who preferred anonymity, spoke to the local Univisión news where she revealed that his son is an angel, since he will save the lives of four little ones more, because he was an organ donor.

    Your heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas will beat inside four children who are expecting one of these Pray for us to live. His mother declared that now they see her baby as a hero after the noble deed was made public.

    “God gave us this child to change the world, and he still lives for other children that he asked you to help with what he gave of his body”, the boy’s mother pointed out to the news.

    According to statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC for its acronym in English), showed that about 25 children per week die in the US from firearms that their relatives have in their homes.

    “Children are children, they have to play with toys, weapons are not toys , I tell parents that they keep their children away from weapons”, shared the victim’s mother.

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