Friday, September 20

VIDEO: Ana Bárbara confessed that she has been a victim of violence, machismo and misogyny

Megan Negrete

Every day violence against women increases more and more, and the recent cases of femicides and disappearances in Mexico are proof of how dangerous it is to be a woman today. A victim of aggression and discrimination just for being part of this genre is the Mexican singer, Ana Bárbara.

In his press conference prior to his first solo concert at the National Auditorium located in Mexico City, the singer of “Bandido” opened her heart in the framework of presenting her show called “Pieces of my Soul” where she promised to make sing, dance and fill with love who attend this show.

During this talk with the media, Ana Bárbara revealed that her 51 years of age has experienced very difficult situations throughout his career because Being part of the music industry, he has been a victim of violence and misogyny.

And although now he sees it more clearly, being much younger, his inexperience and fear did not allow him to defend himself against these attacks as he had to.

“Obviously I am 51 years old, they have things happened in my life and with that innocence, well, maybe I felt ‘they want to marry me’”


Altagracia Ugalde, real name of Ana Bárbara, revealed that she has experienced situations very difficult, however, she did not want to give details of these events because she assures that she is not ready yet.

“I did go through difficult things, I have to be prepared to talk about that kind of thing” ANA BARBARA

Despite the fact that the interpreter of songs such as “How I need you”, she did not want to delve into these bitter experiences cias, she confirmed having been a victim of machismo and misogyny , for which she assures that she must be prepared to talk about the subject and thus, with her experience, be able to help the new generations to prevent them from going through what she experienced.

“I experienced machismo, misogyny, so I did experience violent situations, but I have to be prepared to open up to the world and be honest with the aim of helping new generations”ANA BARBARA

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