Monday, September 23

Sexual assault victim panics and flees courtroom in Idaho

El juez dijo que la esperaran unos minutos para que regresara, pero nunca lo hizo.
The judge told them to wait a few minutes for her to come back, but she never did.

Photo: STEVE HELBER/POOL/AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 28 Apr 2022, 16: 05 pm EDT

A woman who worked as an intern in the office of a former legislator, who raped and assaulted her, repented to give his testimony during the hearing and abruptly left the courtroom.

According to the complaint, the victim, who preferred to remain anonymous, revealed that when he had 19 years ago she began working as a legislative intern in the office of former legislator Aaron von Ehlinger, Republican of Lewiston .

On one occasion the former legislator took her to dinner at a restaurant and then they went to her apartment, the man directed her to her room to take off all her clothes and get on top to put his hand between her legs, but she gave him excuses to let her go.

The woman made a complaint of sexual assault, Ehlinger of 38 years declared innocent of the charges against him. During the week the hearing was held between the two and the victim was fearful all the time,

    on several occasions they asked her to get closer to the microphone because they did not listen to her, as she described the newscast KSL TV5.

    While giving his affidavit before the jury and the judge, at one point stopped and said: “I can’t do this anymore”, got up from the seat and left the room. The judge asked for a few minutes to see if he would return, but that did not happen.

    The appearance continued with the witnesses, the nurse who attended the woman recounted everything she had told her, in addition to the forcible rape by Aaron von Ehlinger, the witness reported He saw that the defendant put a gun to her head to immobilize her.

    The nurse verified that the victim had a blow to the head that was caused when he tried to get rid of the man, as well as pain in his arms because he had put his knee to prevent movement. Investigators also told the judge that fluid analysis matched Ehlinger’s DNA.

    The prosecutor called the assistant professor of criminal justice of Boice State University, Laura King, who revealed that even if the victim’s behavior seems strange is a natural procedure for a survivor of sexual assault , detailed the same media outlet.

    The Prosecutor’s Office said it was over. If Aaron von Ehlinger is found guilty, he would face the maximum penalty.

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