Tuesday, September 24

Intoxicated mother walks with baby in a state of decomposition through the streets in Mexico

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 28 Apr 2022, 14: 52 pm EDT

A woman of 36 years old v Issibly affected by alcohol and drugs was arrested by the police of San Luis Potosí, after being reported by carrying a dead baby in their arms.

The people who were in the Historic Center of the city, they perceived a strong odor of rotting or decomposed meat every time the woman passed near someone, according to the local newspaper El Sol de San Luis.

The state police arrived at the scene and when they approached to talk to the woman, they discovered that she was carrying a dead baby. According to the report, the child was a few days old and about 36 hours after he died due to carelessness of his mother.

The baby was already in a state of decomposition so its smell It was very strong, but the mother, who was under the influence of drugs, could not feel it, much less had she realized that the child had already died.

Some witnesses told the police who had already seen the woman hanging around the same streets and in most cases she took drugs on public roads.

The mother of whom they only revealed that she answered to the name of Mariana and had 29 years old, was charged with the crime of homicide by omission. The transferred to the State Attorney General’s Office where their legal situation will be defined.

The body For the newborn, they took him to the morgue to do the paperwork and hand him over to the relatives who will vouch for him and can bury him.

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