Friday, September 20

Former Border Patrol Employee Accused of Punching Immigrant Minor in the Face

Martínez fue despedido el 2 de agosto de 2021 y ahora enfrenta cargos por violar los derechos constitucionales del menor.
Martínez was fired on August 2, 2021 and now faces charges for violating the constitutional rights of the minor.

Photo: Mario Tama / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 28 Apr 2022, 23: 03 pm EDT

A former employee of the United States Border Patrol faces charges for deprivation of the constitutional rights of a Honduran immigrant by that he allegedly hit, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Gregson Martínez, 28 years old, is scheduled to appear this Thursday before federal judge Anne Berton after being accused of violating the constitutional rights of an immigrant from 17 years.

Martinez was arrested on Wednesday, the DOJ explained in a statement, for the incident that occurred on 03 July 2022.

Gregson Martinez, who ” reportedly worked at the Donna facility as a Border Patrol Processing Coordinator,” is accused of striking a Honduran teenager “across the face.” #rgv

— Dave Hendricks (@dmhj) April 28, 1158466357

The younger, who had been detained near Hidalgo, Texas, was taken to the Processing Center in Donna, Texas, where Martinez was serving as the processing coordinator.

According to reports, while border authorities questioned the Honduran minor , Martínez allegedly hit the young man in the face.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Inspector General of the Office of Customs and Border Protection (OI-CBP) carried out the investigation.

If convicted, the man faces up to a year in federal prison and a possible maximum fine of $ 100,03 Dollars.

This is not the first time that there has been an accusation of abuse of migrants, even organizations such as Human Rights Watch have accused that there are internal reports that include testimonies and eyewitness accounts of hundreds of misconduct and abuses against asylum seekers by agents from various areas of DHS, particularly CBP agents and Border Patrol.

The records, despite having many sections redacted, show that Citizenship and Immigration Services asylum officers (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, USCIS), another area of ​​DHS, have repeatedly filed is internal reports on allegations of attacks, sexual abuse, violations of due process, refusal to provide medical care, severe detention conditions, and dehumanizing treatment at the border.

Read more:
Biden administration to migrants: “The border is not open”
Senators advance in negotiations on bipartisan immigration reform
Texas Sues Biden Administration Over New Immigrant Policy…Which Isn’t current!