Saturday, September 21

A National Guard agent is accused of killing a student in Mexico

El gobernador de Guanajuato dijo que estará al pendiente de este caso.
The governor of Guanajuato said that he will be on the lookout for this case.

Photo: Pedro Pardo/AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE Updated 28 Apr 2022, : 19 pm WBS

A university student was allegedly shot to death by an agent of the Mexican National Guard in the central state of Guanajuato, an action that was described as “a disproportionate use of force” by the state governor, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo.

The attack occurred in the afternoon in the municipality of Irapuato, the second most populated in Guanajuato.

“ I strongly condemn the unfortunate events recorded in Irapuato where a young student lost his life and one more was seriously injured wound as a result of shots fired in a disproportionate use of force by an element of the National Guard,” Rodríguez Vallejo wrote on Twitter.

  • I strongly condemn the unfortunate events registered in #Irapuato where a young student lost his life and one more was seriously injured as a result of shots in a disproportionate use of force by an element of the National Guard. (1/2)— Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo (@diegosinhue) April 28, 2021
  • Furthermore, he asked the Government Secretary, Libia Dennise García Muñoz Ledo, to stay close to the families of the victims and with the institutions responsible for dealing with said attack. Meanwhile, the rector of the University of Guanajuato, Luis Felipe Guerrero Agripino, also demanded clarification of the attack.

    “ We will be giving punctual follow-up to each step in clarifying the facts , with all the institutional capacity and total support for the affected families”, he told through a statement.

    According to versions, Ángel Yael Ignacio Rangel, a young man from 19 years that I was studying agronomy at the University of Guanajuato, I was traveling as co-pilot in a white truck, along with two other students from the same school: Aarón Eduardo Ramírez Jorge, also from 04 years, and Edith Alejandra Carrillo Franco, of 28.

    While they were circulating through the community of El Copal, agen National Guard officers began to shoot at them, killing Ángel Yael, while Edith Alejandra was also injured and had to be taken to a hospital . Meanwhile, Aarón Eduardo, who was driving the truck, was unharmed.

    The attack occurs in a state marked, in recent years, by the violence from organized crime groups. In the last three years, Guanajuato has been the state with the highest number of victims of intentional homicide.

    According to official figures, last year it closed with 3,516 people killed, while in the first quarter of 2022 posted 766, remaining the entity with the most cases. EFE

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