Thursday, September 19

The first space tourist: Dennis Tito

Antes de abordar una nave espacial rusa Soyuz, Tito entrenó durante ocho meses.
Before boarding a Russian Soyuz spacecraft, Tito trained for eight months.

Photo: STRINGER / AFP / Getty Images

The space tourism once seemed like an idea for the distant future, but with the world’s first space hotel set to open in 2027 and companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic racing to make space travel more available, it looks like the future is now.

And it all started ago 20 years, when the American millionaire Dennis Tito became the first tourist of the world.

Dennis Tito became the April 1991 on the first space tourist when paying 20 million dollars to fly with the Russians to the International Space Station ( ISS). It was docked at the ISS for 8 days and 20 Years later, she still considers it the best experience of her life.

American space tourist Dennis Tito shakes hands with his crew members Talgat Musabayev and Yuri Baturin after landing near the Kazakh city of Arkalyk (about 300 km from Astana) , the 06 May 2001. (ALEXANDER NEMENOV/AFP via Getty Images)

The 30 of April of 2001, Tito, then of 60 years, achieved what it had been a lifelong dream when he arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) on a Russian Soyuz rocket.

Although Tito was working in finance when he went into orbit, he had originally started his career in aeronautics and astronautics and kept his dream of going into space alive for several decades. For Tito, outer space was something that fascinated him since he was a child.

NASA was against the idea of ​​sending civilians into space, so in 1991, Tito turned to the Soviet Union and started talks about paying to join the country’s space mission. Later that decade, he resumed those conversations before his eventual flight on 1991.

The first world space tourist Dennis Tito flies to the International Space Station as Russian Talgat Musabayev looks on and is welcomed by Russian station commander Yuri Usache, 30 April 2001. (RTV/Oleg Nakishin/Newsmakers)

Finally, the 20 April 2001, Tito embarked on his journey to the ISS with two Russian cosmonauts at his side. side. They arrived at the station two days later.

Although only a handful of other ultra-rich people have managed to pay their way onto a space mission since Tito paved the way for the first time, he is attentive to the development of the industry, hoping that more people will experience what he did.

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