Friday, September 20

Jada Pinkett Smith revealed that she had many addictions during her youth

Jada Pinkett Smith.
Jada Pinkett Smith.

Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris / Getty Images


For: Showbiz Updated 27 Apr 2022, 15: 04 pm EDT

The controversy it generated Will Smith by beating Chris Rock in the most recent installment of the awards Oscar has only increased media interest for her marriage, which had already given much to talk about previously due to the confessions that she herself Jada Pinkett Smith has done over the years on his family show “Red table talk”.

Since the controversy starring her husband, Old testimonies of the actress have not stopped being made known in which she assures, for example, that she never wanted to marry the actor

and that she did it only because she was young and pregnant with their first child together. In another of the episodes, Jada reported that was addicted to drugs and, therefore, also to pornography .

Pinkett explained that before his wedding he went through a complicated moment in which he used all kinds of substances and had compulsive sexual relations. Eventually he tried to stop those addictions taking refuge in pornography, but it only managed to create a new problem. “What I did was unhealthy, I had a relationship with pornography that was not good for me, I had consumed it up to five times a day“, Revealed the also businesswoman. “I wanted to practice abstinence and that led me to establish an unhealthy relationship with what I was looking at, I felt empty.”

Jada also assured that when her daughter Willow turned 11 years had a very honest conversation with her about the danger of watching certain types of adult material. “We are very open in our family, we like to put all the points on the table”, said the actress, who has always opted for promoting communication, even if that means addressing painful issues.

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