Thursday, July 4

Ninel Conde exclusively answers if she was angry when she lost in 'Tu Cara Me Suena 2'

As we told you Ninel Conde won the fifth gala of ‘Tu Cara Me Suena 2’ playing Bad Bunny. At the end, with her curves exposed again, we speak exclusively with the ‘Bombón Asesino’, who answers, for the first time, if he was angry when he lost playing Selena Quintanilla .

Let us remember that in the third gala she got into the skin of her idol, Selena, but the judges: Angélica Vale, Charytín Goyco, Víctor Manuelle and Eden Muñoz, the four agreed to give him the lowest rating, and on the screen it was seen how he was with an angry attitude, writing on his cell phone and even taking photos of the table.

Ninel Conde es Selena Quintanilla
Ninel Conde is Selena Quintanilla. Photo: TelevisaUnivision

We talked exclusively about that, and about his wonderful creation of Bad Bunny, and we even She said that she went to see him in concert to get all the tips she needed to be the ‘Bad Rabbit’.

Ninel, what a great triumph with a character that was quite a challenge

Ninel Conde: Totally, it was a surprise for me, a character that when I saw him I said: “Oh My Good, who can defend me?” … The truth is that when you have a challenge in front of you is when you get the most out of your part, your resilience to say, I have to get it done, and that’s when you put more effort into getting it done and curiously one day before the gala , they invited me to see Bad Bunny live, and well I think it was too, everything happened in a harmonious way.

– How was it to prepare this character for Bad Bunny, one of the most difficult to build in the season?

Ninel Conde: It was with the help of the coaches and obviously to study it… I had already seen several times how it works to achieve certain nuances of other artists, something that I never I hadn’t done anything, I always say it, I’m not an imitator, I’m a performer, and so I lend what I know how to do, but here they have taught us certain things, certain details, that in the details makes a difference, even if you didn’t believe it, how they pronounce the vowels, like the accents, where they’re from, it’s a whole range of things that sometimes don’t even go through your head when you see an artist, but when you have to interpret it, yes you are applying all that, and the coaches are wonderful, they help you, they tell you how to do it, where to place the voice, how to make the mouth and listening to it and studying it, seeing it in interviews… One finds out about the characters every week, seeing them not only in the video they give you, but also in other live concerts vo, interviews, you become a character researcher which is crazy.

-What was the biggest challenge in creating Bad Bunny?

Ninel Conde: The body expression of a man, such as movements, walking, dancing like a man, and the voice obviously, his voice that is very sweet, very characteristic, and that with a woman’s voice timbre you can give a man’s voice color, and more like Bad Bunny’s color that is so well known all over the world.

Ninel Conde is Bad Bunny . Photo: TelevisaUnivision

-What did you feel when you saw that you were the winner?

Ninel Conde: A lot of emotion because in fact the points also came from my teammates, that was a very human hug to my heart, after weeks, we are all super married because this is demanding and emotionally exhausting, so it was a very nice hug from them, from, above all of God who entrusted me to him every day. Apart from this beautiful project I have many activities, as a singer, like personal things, trips, I have things in Mexico, and suddenly I have to travel during the week and I return on the early morning flights and it’s very tired, so all the emotions are running high.

–What did you learn from your time on ‘Tu Cara Me Suena’?

Ninel Conde: To imitate artists (laughs) point number 1, and 2 that I believe that challenges push you to get the best of yourself, that you should not trust yourself, you should not fall into a comfort zone because you can always learn and grow, and we do not stop learning in this race, I think that the tables that the stage gives you, in my case I have 24 years of career, you do not stop learning but you can continue using these tools in each project as I bring them to this project, but I continue learning and preparing myself for new things.

-In the first ones it seemed that you couldn’t find what ‘Tu Cara Me Suena’ was, even at a gala we saw you angry when you did Selena, and you took out the phone, what was the matter with you?

Ninel Conde: Well that maybe your perception or that of someone else, because taking out a phone does not mean that one I am angry, as I repeat, as a person, as a woman, as a mother, as a professional I have many things on my mind and I receive many messages, I receive many emails, and they are things that one at any time or at any break, because those screenshots are of breaks, one has to attend to their things, and it’s not always what happens around them, so don’t make their stories or make them if you want, yes he sells them, but at the end of the day, as I repeat, I have a lot of things and obviously there are good days and there are very good days and there are not so good days, certain things happen to us in life, like you, like me, like her, like him, things happen to us and we are human and we would do wrong if we didn’t feel.

-But were you angry or not?

Ninel Conde: I don’t know what moment you’re talking about.

-I mean after the judges put the 3, the lowest score when you made Selana.

Ninel Conde: Oh please! I’m going to get mad, imagine, don’t imagine, I’d be mad if my check didn’t arrive, but I’m happy, working, billing and having fun, growing and learning.

-What do you take from the show?

Ninel Conde: ¿ What do I take? Lots of learning, new friends and a great story to tell my family and my grandchildren.

-The final gala arrives, do you feel like you are the winner?

Ninel Conde: Totally winning as always.