Thursday, October 3

This is your tarot card for the week of April 25 to May 1, 2022

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 04 Apr 2022, 23: 30 pm EDT

The tarot is a tool that can help you know what the future holds for this 2022. Nothing better than starting a new week with advice, a piece of advice, that clarifies us or gives us light for the days to come and thus be more calm, calm, of the steps or decisions that are presented to us in the coming days.

Now, take a minute, close your eyes and take a deep breath, let a number from one to three come to your mind, when the number comes, open your eyes quietly, now, look down y read what the tarot wants to advise you for this new week.

one. Eight of Pentacles

one. Eight of Pentacles: You will enjoy each of the things you have to do at work, more than a job, this week you will feel it as a pleasure, being there, in the office, in the local, in the company, is exciting, the joys and satisfactions that you feel these days through your profession, you have not felt them for a long time, this will make you recover the passion for what you do, the pleasure of getting up to go to work will return to you. These days you will be so thorough with each one of the things that you will look at details that you had never paid attention to, this can open your mind to great ideas that can bear fruit and give you a great professional boost for the future. You will realize what is or is not worth continuing in your life, you will be able to purge very strongly, but very consciously, of what you want or with whom you want to continue and with what or with whom you don’t; so trust your hunches and do what you have to do, thank and let go, you will feel that you finally take off a ballast. It is time to take the next step, you need to prepare even more to be able to continue to rise in your career, it is time to update yourself and not be left behind.

two. Three of Cups

two. Three of Cups: This week is ideal to ask for marriage, to say yes to a marriage proposal, so don’t be surprised that such a situation happens to you these days. It is an ideal day to share with friends, any excuse is perfect to get together and celebrate, even if it is just celebrating life. At work you can have several meetings where you can expose new possibilities that will be seen as a great door to the needs that must be covered there. Divinity will be present in every act that comes from the heart, so do not act from sadness or resentment, leave those feelings behind and focus on the new. They can try to manipulate you or you can fall into blackmail, be careful or you will suffer a material loss for believing that you do a good deed.

3. The Sun: It will be a week full of satisfaction, the brilliance with which you move this week will dazzle everyone in your path, with that light you can open the way to any possibility that comes your way these days. You will feel a great eloquence in each one of your thoughts, and you will make decisions so objective that you will surprise. You will have such a creative week that you can write a love letter, paint a picture, draw something beautiful, write a song, etc. the muses will be whispering in your ear these days, make good use of their inspiring energy. If you need to finalize a negotiation, this week is perfect for the negotiation to end in a perfect and balanced way. This week each and every one of your good abilities will be magnified, leading you to success and joy.