Thursday, October 3

The most “chivabrother” Americanist: a young man with an America shirt meets JJ Macías and shouts “Arriba las Chivas” [Video]

Macías influyó en la reacción del chico.
Macías influenced the boy’s reaction.

Photo: Arturo Hernández / Imago7

Have you met an Americanist who shouts in support of Chivas ? Probably not, but José Juan Macías met one this week. The striker of the Sacred Flock shared a curious situation that featured a young fan wearing a America shirt … and the His words were in support of the rival team.

The boy with the America shirt met Macías and asked for a photo. At the time of saying goodbye, the Mexican forward began the curious interaction, knowing that they were being recorded.

“Up what? Chivas up, right? “, Macías told him, influencing the reaction that the young man would have next. ” Chivas up! “, replied the boy, who continued saying something that we will not know, because the forward did not show it. In fact, he interrupted him by closing with ” Of course! “.

Then he uploaded it to his Instagram stories, probably to enhance the sentiment of the “chivahermanos” and troll the Americanists. May these episodes of healthy rivalry never be lacking.

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