Monday, October 14

Quality of life in Los Angeles County fell to its lowest level in 7 years according to a UCLA survey

Los residentes del Condado de Los Ángeles no están contentos con la calidad de vida.
Los Angeles County residents are unhappy with the quality of life.

Photo: CHRIS DELMAS / AFP / Getty Images

Ricardo Roura

The quality of life in Los Angeles County dropped to its lowest level in the last seven years, since UCLA conducts a survey to find out the general level of satisfaction of residents.

Among the items that county residents considered to be among the worst rated were high prices, homelessness, increased crime, and poor health.

According to the survey led by the Los Angeles Initiative at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, which was released on Friday, the quality of life index dropped to an overall rating of 53, on a scale of 10 a 100.

Last year, the survey showed a cal ification of 58 and It is the first time that it is below the average average of 46 since that the survey began in 2020.

“For the first time since the start of this survey, respondents’ ratings fell in each of the nine categories, with 8 of the 9 falling to its lowest rating,” Los Angeles Initiative director Zev Yaroslavsky said in a statement.

According to the report’s authors, the general satisfaction of the respondents had remained stable during the years in which the survey was carried out, including in the two years during the pandemic, but in the most recent edition there was a marked drop in ratings.

“What the pandemic could not do In the last two years, inflation and the increase in violent crime ntos and against property they achieved it”, added Yaroslavsky.

The survey was made to 1,400 Los Angeles County residents in reference to 9 categories. Among those that received the worst rating were the cost of living, education and public safety.

In the survey, the cost of living rating decreased from 45 last year to 39, while in public safety it dropped to 56 compared to the rating of 62 you recorded in 2021.

In the education category, the valuation decreased from 48 to a rating of 46.

The transport/traffic and jobs/economy categories also registered a decline in their respective qualifications.

Among the residents surveyed, the 69% considered that life has fundamentally changed since use of COVID, while only the 28% of the people who participated in the survey expressed their confidence that life will return to “the way it was before”


Among local elected officials, the one who recorded a sharp drop was Mayor Eric Garcetti, who received a favorable rating from the 45%, compared to the 62% you recorded in 2020.

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