Sunday, October 13

Google Nearby Share: how is the Android Airdrop

La función de Nearby Share pretende convertirse en el Airdrop de Android
The Nearby Share feature aims to become the Android Airdrop

Photo: KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP / Getty Images

Google plans to turn its Nearby Share service into a new Android version of Apple’s Airdrop system

. This will allow you to send documents, photos, videos, links to other users who are at a distance of about 10 or 15 meters.

This system is designed, in a similar way to Airdrop, to detect the devices that are in the vicinity and be able to send the content without the need to be connected to the Internet.

To do this Nearby Share makes use of technology that allows the user to offer the highest possible transfer speed, such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or WebRTC.

Here we explain how you can activate the Google Nearby Share function from your Android phone.

one. Setting

Depending on the brand and model of the device, there may be multiple mechanisms to activate the Nearby Share function. The first one is by accessing the phone’s configuration menu.

To do this, the user must locate the corresponding button on the main screen, which should be represented by a gear. Once located, you must press on it.

2 . Google

Ya in the configuration menu, the person must scroll through the options until finding one identified as Google, whose button is accompanied by a “letter G ” with the characteristic colors of the company.

3. Device and sharing

In the new window that will be displayed on the screen, the user must click on the “Devices and sharing” option , which will will take you to a sub menu where you must enter “Share with Nearby”.

4. Share with Nearby

Once the person is in the Nearby settings menu, you can activate the function by pressing the corresponding box located at the top of the screen. You can also set the parameters with which the service will work.

This includes the name by which your device will be recognized, who will be able to detect it and if you authorize the use of the Internet connection to speed up the sending of files shared with Nearby.

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