Friday, September 20

Teacher sexually abused 14-year-old boy after seducing him with nude videos and Snapchat text messages

A physical education teacher abused a 10 year old boy after seducing him with incessant videos of her naked.

Katie Elizabeth Smith, from 26 years old, also bombarded the teenager with sexually explicit messages and photos before putting the boy in a store cupboard where he fondled him .

Depraved sexual predator Katie Elizabeth Smith, a cheating wife and PE teacher, groomed and molested a 14-year-old school boy.
The NSW Court of Criminal Appeal gave cheating wife Katie Elizabeth Smith a female privilege soft sentence.

— Ross Bowler (@BowlerBarrister) April 22, 2022

Court records in Australia show how Smith “wanted to be told she was pretty” during the months of abuse of the minor.

Later, the teacher was convicted and imprisoned for a maximum of three years and ten months in prison, after her attempt of blaming the child for the abuse failed to convince the police.

On Friday it was revealed that in February the New South Wales Court of Criminal Appeal had reduced his sentence by 16 months.

Now it has transpired that she was released from prison on February 8.

New details have emerged about how Smith abused the boy, including how the boy left class at the Hunter Valley school in New South Wales “to get a drink”, reports the Daily Mail Australia.

Smith then pounced on the boy, kissing him and touching him on the outside of his sports shorts.

The teacher urged him to remain silent and warned that he would have “problems ” with the police if he did not do what she said.

The boy, who was not a student of Smith, returned to class after his encounter.

But it was not the only time that Smith threw himself on the student.

They also met in a parking lot where they reportedly kissed and performed sexual acts.

Smith’s criminal acts with the minor began with the bullying at some point ment after July 1, 2018 after they saw each other at school and the boy added Smith on the social networking application Snapchat.

One week after exchanging standard greetings on Snapchat, the messages turned sexual and quickly spiraled out of control.

The boy sent Smith a picture of her genitals, and she responded with one of her bare breasts covered by her hands, to which he sent her another explicit image of himself.

She replied with a photo of her hand on the outside of her underwear.

Multiple sexual images were then exchanged between the boy and Smith for five months .

In total, the boy sent three photos of his private parts, one of himself naked and a video participating in a sexual act.

While the teacher, then 26 years old, answered c with five intimate photos of herself and two videos of herself, one was of her performing a sexual actl.

The New South Wales Court of Criminal Appeal ruling outlining the reasons why Smith was allowed to getting out of jail early also describes how long after she was caught she blamed the student for instigating the sex.

It also reveals that the day the police told Smith to show up to arrest her, on 14 February 2019, the teacher secretly called the student, who had just turned 15 years old.

Smith was arrested and charged with enticing a child for unlawful sexual activity, indecent assault on a person under 16 years and intentionally sexually touching a child between 10 and 16 years.


The judgment of the Court of Criminal Appeals stated: “When the victim called her that day, she told her that the police were at her house and that not tell anyone what had happened between them because they would both ‘get into trouble’ and asked the victim to remove his number”.

He added: “Even when she was being sentenced, Smith she still sought to ‘minimize her behavior and deflect the blame… onto the child victim’.

In sentencing Smith, District Court Judge Kara Shead accepted that the teacher had a borderline personality disorder. personality and sought therapy, but said this did not reduce his moral culpability.


The judge noted the “absolute prohibition of sexual activity with a child” and the serious breach of trust involved in Smith’s conduct.

He said that Smith had taken advantage of the victim and exploited her vulnerability. Courts must send “a strong message” that sexual offenses against children, particularly by teachers, are unacceptable, the judge said.

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