Thursday, September 19

Step by step how to download the new WhatsApp emojis

La actualización de WhatsApp incluye un total de 65 nuevos emojis
The WhatsApp update includes a total of 65 new emojis

Photo: MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP / Getty Images

The new WhatsApp update brings a lot of changes and improvements. One of the most striking is the fact that incorporated a new pack of emojis to the messaging app.

The 65 new emojis range from a melted face to a pregnant man, so they can fit into virtually any conversation. Because the emojis are part of an app update, in order to be able to have them, it is essential to have the latest available version of


How to install the latest version of WhatsApp?

If you already have the application on your mobile phone you should go to the application store that corresponds to your operating system iOS in the case of Apple and Play Store for Android users.

Below we explain step by step what you should do after:


one. After entering the application store you must locate and press the button identified as “updates” , which will be located at the top right of the screen.

2. At that time, the system will show you a list of all the applications that are installed on your phone that have a new version. This is when you must search that list until you find the WhatsApp icon and you are going to click on the update button .

3. Automatically the system will start the process of downloading the update and installing the new version of WhatsApp . Once this is over you should have the new emojis.


1. In the case of users with Android terminals, the first step to follow after accessing the Play Store is to press the logo with the user’s profile picture .

2.This will open a panel in which the person must click on the “manage device and apps” button, which will redirect the user to a new window in which they will have to press the “manage” option.

3 . Once this is done, in a similar way to what happens in iOS, the user will be able to see a list with all the applications installed on the computer. It is at this moment that you should click on the tab “available updates” found at the top of the screen. screen.

4. At this point, the only thing left is to check the box next to the WhatsApp logo and press the update button

. The whole process will be carried out automatically.

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