Thursday, September 19

Russia tests nuclear-capable intercontinental missile

Durante la prueba el misil ruso voló una distancia de más de 6,000 kilómetros
During the test the Russian missile flew a distance of more than 6,000 kilometers


The Russian government announced that it has conducted a test with a new intercontinental ballistic missile called “Sarmat”. According to information published by Russia, the rocket is the most advanced ever built and is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

They assure that due to the advanced nature of this new missile, it is capable of overcoming any anti-aircraft defense, which would make it an infallible weapon if used in a war context.

According to information published by Russian media, the missile flew approximately 6,000 kilometers after it was fired from the city of Plesetsk, about 800 kilometers north of Moscow, and will hit the Kamchatka Peninsula at the easternmost tip of Russia.

The Russian government announcement It comes at a time of great diplomatic tensions in the region created by the invasion of Russian troops into Ukrainian territory.

The launch was broadcast on Russian public television and was presided over by Putin who stated that the Sarmar will serve as a warning to any country that may think of attacking Russia.

“It has no analogues in the world and will not have them for a long time. Indeed, it is a unique weapon that will strengthen the military potential of our Armed Forces”, Putin assured.

The Russian Ministry of Defense added that the Sarmat is the most powerful and longest-range missile created to date, which would put the Russian army in front of the military forces of other countries.

What does the Biden Administration say?

The The Pentagon downplayed Russia’s announcement about the Sarmat test as they indicated that it is a routine test that does not represent a danger to the United States .

“We do not consider the test a threat to the US and its allies,” the spokesman said. of the Pentagon, John Kirby.

He also stated that Russia previously informed the United States about the test, as as established by the New Start Treaty, which also contemplates the reduction of the nuclear arsenals of both countries.

The agreement, signed during the administrations of Barack Obama and Dmitri Medvédev, establishes a limit on the number of strategic nuclear weapons that Russia and the US can count on.

In this sense, the maximum numbers are 1, 550 nuclear warheads and 700 ballistic systems. These limits contemplate the combined number of weapons of mass destruction located in their land, sea and air units.

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