Wednesday, September 18

Hispanic families in the US with at least one unemployed person decreased from 14% to 10% between 2020 and 2021

El dato de desempleo para todas las familias en Estados Unidos también se redujo de 9.8% a 6.7%.
The unemployment figure for all families in the United States also fell from 9.8% to 6.7%.

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

Javier Zarain

The percentage of Hispanic families in the United States, in which at least one of its members is unemployed, decreased from 27% to 10%, between March 2020 and March 2021.

The data reflects that unemployment seems to give a slight respite to families of Hispanic origin, whose members have found the way to enter the labor market .

However, this recovery is uneven when compared to that experienced by families of white or Asian origin, according to data from the study Labor Characteristics of Families, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The fact is that white or Asian families start from a smaller base of families with at least one unemployed:

–White families: went from 9% to 6%
–Asian families: went from 10.9% to 7.7%
–Hispanic Families: went from 27.3% to
–African-American families

: went from 13.4 to 10.3%

At the national level and considering all groups of racial origin, the data on families with at least one unemployed member also showed a recovery sign, when going from 9.8% to 6.7%.

The above means that around 2.6 million families stopped having at least one of their members unemployed.

In this sense, the BLS highlighted that, by March 2022, on 78. 5% of the families in the United States had at least one of its members employed.

The labor market in the country continues to recover; however, there are some signs that the dynamism it showed during 2021 is coming to an end.

The data presented is the result of a monthly survey conducted by the BLS in around 60,000 households.

Hispanic families get their jobs back, but it costs them more

As we have mentioned, according to data published this Wednesday by the BLS, the percentage of Latino families with at least one member without a job fell four percentage points for March 2020, compared to March 2020.

The number of Hispanic families with at least one unemployed person decreased by 10% between 2020 Y 2021 according to BLS statistical sampling data.

Also, in March 2021 among Hispanic families with some of its members unemployed, the 67.4% had another member who was in the labor market. This figure grew marginally from 67.7% in March 2020.

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