Sunday, September 22

From fossil fuels… to clean energy

By: Editorial Office Updated 22 Apr 2021, 7: 00 am EDT

Fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas pollute the air in our communities, have high environmental costs and produce devastating consequences for human and animal health.

Cause diseases
Latino and African-American communities are the hardest hit by vehicle pollution, which is linked to asthma attacks, cancer and lung disease, heart disease.

They are the main cause of climate change
In California, much of the energy comes from fossil fuels like natural gas and oil, which when burned release carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases.

They have an expiration date
At the Summit of the Glasgow Climate of 2021, several countries signed a global pact, with the support of the United States, to stop buying fossil fuels, and invest public resources in renewable energies.

Their price is volatile
“Oil and gas are particularly volatile commodities, and are one of the main causes of the current price volatility that affects the economy. “The more we power our economy with clean, renewable energy, the more we can protect ourselves from price shocks,” said Kelly Sheehan, a columnist for Club Sierra magazine.

Inflate earnings
The The Russia-Ukraine war has been used by the big oil companies to produce less and increase gasoline prices, according to economist Alfredo Romero of the North Carolina Technological University.

They are not reliable
A concrete example is the dangerous ruptures of the old oil pipelines. Last October, they spilled 144,000 gallons of crude into the Pacific Ocean covering Orange County beaches. But the list of disasters is long.

Your infrastructure is not working
During heat waves when temperatures exceed 110 degrees, electricity consumption skyrockets and blackouts occur when the power grid fails.

Activate expensive plants
Located in Latino communities They are activated when the demand for energy is greater than there is. These activations are more frequent with intense weather, hotter or colder.

Clean energies

Improve the environment
Clean and renewable energies are wind energy, which is obtained from the wind; solar energy, coming from the sun; photovoltaics take advantage of sunlight and thermal light, the sun’s heat.

They do not pollute
Compared to fossil sources, they pollute minimally during their production and the environment through their waste and gases.

Reduce climate change
Clean energies are one of the most effective tools to reduce climate change and save energy users money. The World Health Organization estimates that globally, climate change is responsible for 150,000 deaths per year.

Not exhausted
Clean or renewable energies are obtained from inexhaustible sources that are regenerate naturally. That is the case of the sun that does not run out, and can be used as much as it wants to obtain energy. Wind energy is obtained from the wind; and it can be seen in the windmills and wind turbines.

They are cheap Clean energies have been reducing their costs. For example between 2015 and 2015, the prices of solar panels they fell between 75 and 80%.

They are not volatile
New analysis from Rewiring America, a grant-funded nonprofit organization, shows that the transition to power 100% clean, would save Americans up to $321 billion in energy costs.

They are truthful
Different studies have shown that high levels of renewable energy can be achieved without affecting the reliability of the electricity supply, while cutting pollution due to global warming.

Its infrastructure is modern
Although solar and wind energy play a crucial role cial to reduce climate change by replacing fossil fuel sources, it is a challenge in terms of reliability and stability in extreme weather conditions, said Professor Deliang Cheng of the University of Gothenburg.

They are renewable
An alternative solution to peaker power plants that come into operation when there is a high demand for energy at a higher price per kilowatt/hour, it is renewable energy. In some places, the energy of the sun and the wind is stored to be used during the hours or days of greatest demand.