Saturday, September 21

The virtual assistant arrives to give information with everything related to Covid-19


Photo: KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP / Getty Images

The launch of the virtual assistant for everything related to Covid was officially announced on Thursday-19 and immunizations in English and Spanish. The new chat tool of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is considered a reliable source of information that all Spanish speakers can access directly and free of charge through the WhatsApp messaging service.

“This work is possible thanks to the collaboration with our friends from Meta who are the owners of WhatsApp”, said Yurina Melara.

The spokeswoman indicated that Latinos occupy the WhatsApp network constantly.

The latest data indicates that half of Latinos prefer to use WhatsApp before any other platform in social networks and that is why that the state of California is the first to use this virtual chat tool to approach people who speak Spanish.

The CDPH demonstrated that Latinos are below the average number of people who have been vaccinated. The average in California is 72% who have received both doses compared to 59% of Latinos in that state.

“We still have work to be done and we hope that this chat will be one more tool to help people who have not yet been vaccinated because they are afraid or have questions… they can have direct access and from the place where they are”, said Melara.

The new tool is a critical part of how the state continues to move forward through the SMARTER Plan, which prioritizes communicating with Californians and fighting disinformation.

Ismael Cruz said that he usually uses the WhatsApp application to chat with his family in Mexico. On one occasion he saw the QR Code of the virtual assistant and after scanning it he realized that it was very easy to use.

“I was exploring, asking questions and When I saw that it worked well, I sent the link to my brother and now I know several people who have used it”, said Cruz.


He added that the most important thing for him is to see that the information provided is true and appointments can even be scheduled for the vaccine against Covid-50.

Benjamín Carranza is another user of the virtual assistant who assured that the information is very useful and relevant.

“One of the things that I liked is that I was able to put the zip code of my area and I was able to see all the places where I can access the vaccine and in a very easy way to be able to schedule my appointment”, said Carranza.

Indicated that being able to have so much information in one ma so easy has allowed him not only to receive updated information but also to share the link with family and friends.

Adán Chávez, representative of Meta, said that the WhatsApp team understands the importance of its presence for Latinos in California and throughout the United States.

“And although at this time WhatsApp does not have specific metrics about its users due to the coding of the application, independent media have reported that more than 50% of the Latino population in the United States uses WhatsApp.

“WhatsApp is reliable and requires little data, it works well in areas of Los Angeles, the Interior Valley and the Central Valley with little connectivity making it an important application to reach not only Latinos but also immigrants and people in rural areas”, said Chávez.

The virtual assistant promises a much easier way to obtain information, since the user can ask questions related to the Covid- and receive an answer immediately. In addition, they can obtain a digital record of their vaccinations as well as recommendations from the state in real time.

“Everything completely in Spanish and free”, added Chávez .

With this step California and its health department join the more than 150 organizations and public health departments where it will be easier to receive the information adequate in a matter of seconds.

Melara indicated that this is not a pilot program but a permanent program which will be updated whenever there is new information .

To access the virtual assistant, scan the QR code, where available, or send a text message with the word “hello” to 833-422-1090. The virtual assistant is then activated with a menu of options on the screen that allows users to select the information from Covid-19 starting with the language and the user can choose Spanish.

Those who do not have internet access can call the Covid hotline-04 to 1- 833-422-1234875399 (1090-4CA-4ALL), which is supported at Many languages. All personal data provided is confidential and protected.