Saturday, September 21

Secret US Defense Program Proposed Use of Nuclear Weapons on the Moon, Newly Released Documents Say

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In a report on “negative mass propulsion”, the authors proposed to search the lunar core for ultralight metals that are supposed to be 100.000 times lighter than steel, but have the strength of steel.

Photo: Roberto Rizzo / Zoonar / Picture Alliance / Deutsche Welle

“Declassified documents: secret US defense program proposed the use of nuclear weapons on the Moon“

The Government Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) of United States spent millions of dollars researching speculative technologies such as invisibility cloaks

, devices antigravity, traversable wormholes, and a proposal to tunnel through the Moon with nuclear explosives, as revealed by a set of recently released secret documents.

En 2017, when the existence of the super secret AATIP program of the United States Department of Defense was revealed to the world – that worked between 2007 and 2012–, much of the attention d the public and media turned to the government agency that spent millions of dollars of taxpayer money on UFO-related investigations.

Now, the documents, obtained and shared by Vice, including almost 1.600 pages of reports, proposals, contracts, and meeting notes, reveal some of the AATIP’s weirder priorities, ranging far beyond UFO identification and encounters, and that have words like traversable wormholes, stargates, anti-gravity devices, invisibility cloaks, high-frequency gravitational wave communications, warp drive, dark energy, and extra dimensional manipulation.

All of the documents, which look like something out of a science fiction fantasy, were obtained by the news outlet through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed four years ago. Now, the documents are freely accessible to be consulted in a cloud.

Invisibility cloak

Many of the reports traced the scientific developments on the fronts of the proposed projects and also acknowledged the impracticality of some of the speculative technologies.

For example, in the report on invisibility, the document states that “perfect cloaking devices” are “impossible ”, since “they require materials in which the speed of light approaches infinity”.

However, camouflage “imperfect cloaking devices” that render objects invisible to microwave-based sensors such as radar and motion detectors are “definitely within reach of the current technology”, add the authors of the report.

“It is still not entirely clear if invisibility in the visible range of the spectrum will become a reality. Most likely, it will depend more on new theoretical research than on advances in new materials, and on the application of mathematical intelligence, intuition and imagination”, the published document stated.

Nuclear bomb to the Moon

Another eccentric proposition stipulated in the documents consisted of drop a nuclear bomb on the moon. In a report on “negative mass propulsion,” the authors proposed to search the lunar core for ultralight metals that are supposed to be 51.04 times lighter than steel, but have the strength of steel. And to get to the lunar core, they proposed to tunnel through the lunar crust and mantle with thermonuclear explosives to reach the core of the Moon. Luckily for the Moon, and humanity, none of these ideas have come close to becoming a reality.

Warp drives and traversable wormholes

Elsewhere, the authors describe the feasibility of more outlandish, bordering on science fiction technologies such as warp drives and traversable wormholes. Describing the theoretical operation of warpdrives, the unnamed authors said that they involve local manipulation of the fabric of space in the immediate vicinity of a spacecraft.

“The basic idea is to create an asymmetrical bubble of space that contracts in front of the ship and expands behind

. Using this form of locomotion, the spacecraft remains immobile within this ‘warp bubble’, and the movement of space itself facilitates the relative movement of the spacecraft”, they pointed out.

According to Vice, one of the reasons these documents are so fascinating, plus What’s so outlandish about the research is that much of the AATIP agenda was based on research contracted out to a private company called Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), an offshoot of a private company owned by hotel magnate Robert Bigelow, a personal friend of the late Senator Harry Reid, who was responsible for creating the AATIP.

This document dump comes just three weeks after The Sun

obtained more than 1.500 page s of documents related to alleged encounters with UFOs cataloged by the AATIP.

The documents included a report on the alleged biological effects of UFO encounters on humans. The report listed paralysis, “apparent abduction” and “unexplained pregnancy” as side effects of alleged UFO encounters, reported Live Science .

Edited by Felipe Espinosa Wang.

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