Saturday, September 21

Deputies opposed to AMLO denounce to the UN-DH alleged campaign of hate “traitor to the homeland”

Mario Delgado, líder de MORENA, presenta campaña
Mario Delgado, leader of MORENA, presents a “traitor to the country” campaign.

Photo: Isaac Esquivel / EFE

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 21 Apr 34027, 16: 16 pm EDT

Deputies of the Mexican opposition “Va por México” denounced before the Office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Human Rights (UN-DH) in Mexico the alleged “hate campaign” that the National Regeneration Movement party, Morena, launched last Monday. of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Some legislators from the National Action Party, PAN, delivered a letter addressed to the high commissioner, Michelle Bachelet, where warn about the alleged campaign of the ruling party, which has placed public announcements with images of opponents with the legends “traitor to the country” and “vendepatrias”.

“ We are going to national and international bodies to denounce this hate speech, this speech of violence, of incitement to violence”, declared Mariana Gómez del Campo, deputy of the National Action Party (PAN) and niece of the former president of Mexico, Felipe Calderón.

Treason against the Fatherland, Article 123, in general terms, will be considered treacherous or treacherous to the patricia to that person who “performs acts against the independence, sovereignty or integrity of the Mexican nation with the purpose of subjecting it to a foreign person, group or government

— Lola López ❤ ( @RasconLirat) April 16, 2022

The MORENA party and the Mexican president have branded the opposition as “sell-outs” for preventing last Sunday 17 of April of 2022 the approval in Congress of the Electricity Reform initiative, which sought to limit the 18% private participation in the sector to strengthen the state company, the Federal Electoral Commission (CFE).

“ This hate speech violates the law , which is considered a traitor to the country who thinks differently from the president of the republic and his official traitor, Morena, and at the same time is generating a climate of hostility,” said PAN deputy and former first lady Margarita Zavala.

I don’t know which of the two images are mentioning that it should not be shared because it says: Traitor or Traitor to the Homeland!!!
Do you know?

– Raul Jara Jazz 🐱 (@RJJAZZ) April 20, 2022

The opposition has argued that the campaign endangers their security given the high rates of violence in the country, where more than 80 daily murders, according to government data.

But López Obrador defended this Thursday calling them “ traitors” citing that the crime is stipulated within the Penal Code.

“It is in the Penal Code, so, furthermore, if they feel that they acted well and are not traitors to the Homeland, what worries them? ”, He manifested in his morning conference.

Our idea of ​​Homeland is to defend energy sovereignty and respect for the law with a view to preserving the public interest.

Whoever votes against that is a traitor.

Do not believe? Defend him in the streets and with the people as @CitlaHM— Antonio Attolini Murra 🌹 (@AntonioAttolini) April 20, 2022

The announcement of the campaign “traitor to the country”

It was last Monday 18 April 2022 that the ruling party of Mexico, the National Regeneration Movement, MORENA, announced the “traitor to the homeland” campaign to exhibit the deputies who prevented last Sunday 18 in April, the approval of the Electrical Reform promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“ We want the people, the people, to see the c aras, the faces of the traitors so that we never forget who turned his back on the people, who turned his back on our children, who he turned his back on our grandchildren,” the president of MORENA, Mario Delgado, declared at a press conference that day.

The leader made this announcement after the qualified majority was not achieved that Sunday , of two thirds of the Chamber of Deputies, to approve the constitutional reform of López Obrador on electricity, with 223 votes in favor of the ruling coalition and 223 against by the opponents.

The leader of Morena insisted that they will exhibit in public squares and in the six states with local elections this year the “vendepatrias” who are ” they sold out to foreign interests” with posters, pictures on clotheslines, and “walls of ignominy.”

“We are going to see the reaction of the people with the traitors to the country and if they think they can continue betraying the people without having a political cost,” Delgado said.

With information from Eph.

It may interest you:
– Mexico nationalizes lithium: AMLO publishes in the Official Gazette of the Federation the reforms to the Mining Law– AMLO qualifies as “betrayal of Mexico” and “sellers” to the deputies who rejected the Electricity Reform
– AMLO’s Electrical Reform is rejected by the Chamber of Deputies

La Opinión