Monday, October 21

Video: Group X of the CJNG announces that it will 'hunt' traitors

Grupo X del CJNG anuncia
Group X of the CJNG announces “hunt” for rivals.

Photo: Capture taken from the video of @DeIntelligencia / Courtesy

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 17 Apr 2022 , 15: 46 pm EDT

The assassins of the Group X of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) blame the gangs that make up the United Cartels of the massacres last February and March, occurred in the violent state of Michoacán, on the Pacific coast of Mexico. The drug traffickers

leaked a video to social networks, in which They assure that they are not involved in the shootings recorded during a funeral and a palenque in that entity, which together add up to 27 dead. By the way, those from Jalisco also announced that they will “hunt” the gunmen who betrayed them to join other criminal organizations.

-Read more: Mexican singer Gabriel Soto is killed after a gunshot attack on the border

“The Jalisco Cartel dissociates itself from the events that occurred on Sunday 27 (March) and we hold directly responsible the ball of scourges of Lalo Mantecas, Daniel Correa and the X-3 whore, alias the Wolf, who bites the hand that fed him”, threatened the of Group X of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel.

The massacres

The first massacre referred to by the CJNG gunmen occurred on Sunday 27 February, in the municipality of San José de Gracia, when a lawsuit between his own people led to the firing squad of 15 people who They were at a funeral. The Mexican authorities themselves confirmed that the massacre was due to an internal dispute between the gunmen of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel.

The second massacre took place in the community of Zinapécuaro, the 27 of March, when an armed commando from the group of los Correa, which in turn is part of the United Cartels, broke into a clandestine palenque and shot 20 persons. Apparently the Correas were going for a regional head of the CJNG.

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