Thursday, October 24

Ana Patricia Gámez exclusively: “I sleep so peacefully, I haven't done anyone any harm”

The news and the return of Ana Patricia Gámez to ‘Falling in Love’ was a surprise for everyone… Many were happy, some in shock, and others they considered it a betrayal, especially Karina Banda, who had entered her place. But Anita, in an exclusive interview and ‘Without Filters’, as the name of her successful podcast tells us, “I sleep so peacefully, I haven’t hurt anyone”.

Because it says? Because for the first time she reveals that if she hadn’t come back, another presenter would have taken her place. It’s not that she got bored with her plan to leave TV be with his children, but he negotiated not to miss any of the activities, that is to say for the first time he signed a contract where the work accommodated his life and not the other way around. That it was not called by Univision, but by SOHO, the Turkish production company that makes ‘Falling in Love’, for which reason is employed by them and not by the network.

And, for the first time, says the reason why today her businesses give her more money than TV, for that day they called her to announce that they were taking away her 40% of his salary in ‘Despierta América’, and he had to go out and compensate that money, and he understood that he should not be afraid of being left without Plan A, you just have to give strength to Plan B.

Next, Ana Patricia, talks about everything that and more, even what he has not yet revealed in his last two episodes of his successful Podcast, ‘Sin Filters with Ana Patricia’.

Ana Patricia Gámez regresó a 'Enamorándonos'
Ana Patricia Gámez returned to ‘Falling in Love’. Photo: Univision.

-In your podcast, ‘Sinfilter con Ana Patricia’, you dedicated two episodes to your return to ‘Falling in Love’, but something was missing, what did you think when they told you “Ana Patricia, do you want to come back?”?

Ana Patricia Gámez: I said: “Is it true? Is it true? But why would I want to go back if I was the one who took the decision?”… Leaving was not easy, nor did it happen overnight, it was also a negotiation, because not only a negotiation to have a contract or enter a program, but also to leave, because there is a contract involved, legal things, and it took me a long time to go, as a lawyer, but it was done in the best way… I say that when one leaves a place and leaves the doors open, as in this case I did it with Univisión, and I say I did it because I am not part of Univision today, today, the doors remain open, and they came to touch practically and my door. I received a call, and I tell you at the beginning I said no, I can’t go back, how am I going to go back if I made a conscious decision and didn’t regret it I swear, all that time that I was at home.

Many talks, calls to find out how that balance that made me leave this program, that if you I say I enjoyed it too much, when I started it and to this day I can say that I am so happy, like in this one 2010 to return, there are no returns. Obviously the talk and the negotiation was also with my husband because he told me: “and are you ready?”. Me, “ready why?”, “for the hate you’re going to receive”… I swear I didn’t understand it until today, but my husband is always one step ahead He is obviously older than me, not much, but he has lived more, he knows more, also with the career of his sister (Karla Martínez), so many years in ‘Despierta América’. We analyzed the situation, not only as a couple, as a family, my children, me also being more present even though I continue working from here, at home, but I did all my errands in the morning, until we all arrived like a mutual agreement, and I’m not referring to the economic agreement under contract, but the balance over time, the schedules, maybe I’ll put on makeup, get ready here and get to do the program.

-You are punished for the fact that you said a few months ago that you were leaving because you needed more time with your children, your children need at the same time and are in the same age, how was your dynamic with the previous contract, and how is your dynamic with this contract that makes that difference?

Ana Patricia Gámez : practically the same. However, there is more time for Patricia at home . When I was in the past I got up with the children, I took them to school, I prepared them, lunch, in the morning I went to exercise, I worked on little things here and there but it was longer. Before the program we all had as if the meeting all to talk about what had happened in the previous show, what is coming in the next show, sometimes I did not even go to school for the children, I saw them in the morning when I got them ready and when I took them, I said goodbye to them for school, I didn’t see them until the next day. When I got home, they were already asleep, so that was one thing for me: “It’s not possible, how am I going to see my children for a little while in the morning? this cannot be”… Sometimes there were also recordings on Saturdays, on Sundays, with an engagement, with a party here and there.

Ana Patricia Gámez
Ana Patricia Gámez. Photo: Mezcaliente

Now the difference is that my routine is the morning is the same again, but I go to school for the children, I return home with the children, I open their backpack, I see whether they ate or not, I give them food, we watch TV for a while, the changes, maybe I’ll take them to bathe, and in the afternoon I get ready and go to the canal. Sometimes the program can be a little longer, it can be a little shorter, it’s not like one hundred percent live, unlike ‘Despierta América’, so sometimes things happen that if not I got the crush, the loving one, and it can be late or at 7, 7: 30 PM (I shouldn’t say this), I’m back home, I see the children. They told me: “If you want, you can bring your children whenever you want”, obviously I’m not going to take them every day because it’s not a nursery, it’s not Play Day… In 10 more weeks ‘Falling in love’ ends, which is the season, so I said that I needed the time to adjust my schedules because also in the boutique started to grow, thank God.

-What did you discover in these 9 months apart from ‘Falling in Love’?

Ana Patricia Gámez: That everything is possible when one looks for that time and that organization, the one that we have to dare, as you say , not to be afraid, to be brave, and really I feel that in this time I matured a lot, I realized many things that sometimes I agreed to do and they didn’t make me happy, they didn’t go with me, I just did it for pleasing others. I learned to value time more, when I realized that being a mother really is a task that one learns every day and that says: “I can do better tomorrow, and if I do to do better”… It is not easy to raise children, I have the support of my husband’s family as well, and I say my husband’s family because mine lives in Mexico, my mother accompanied me for 2 weeks , together with my sister…I traveled a lot, I was also with my projects, but at the end of the day the greatest learning is to find happiness and balance, which is very difficult, but also knowing that not every day goes to be neither happy nor content, all things can happen in one day, that is, to have times when you feel good, times when you don’t and that’s life, happiness is never complete and eternal.

-You just said that you husband told you: “Are you prepared for hate?”… For many you came out as Cinderella, and you came back as Cruel La Deville, how do you feel today seeing all the responses from people, the positive ones and those of this type?

Ana Patricia Gámez: I see it as part of the job, I’m in a medium where it’s obviously massive, the program is national, I’ve been a public figure since 1693, maybe not so international, not so well known in other countries, but at the end of the day I am a public figure, and what I told him at that time that my husband did not understand his question very much, is that from the 2010 let’s say that one is making a cape and the thickness is increasing. They spoke when I made the decision to leave, as they are not going to speak again, and the opinions are more than respectable, but I can tell you that I sleep so peacefully, that I have not done any harm, no harm to anyone , and at the end of the day it is the most that gives me peace of mind, knowing that at night I came home from work, I see my family and that I sleep so soundly. People are going to talk, and they talk about everyone at some point, on a smaller or larger scale, but if that is going to affect us, it will take away our tranquility and peace, I was not in this environment, nor did I have social networks, nor will work on television.

Así recibieron de regreso a Ana Patricia Gámez sus compañeros This is how her colleagues received Ana Patricia Gámez back. Photo: Univision

-Did it ever affect you?

Ana Patricia Gámez: Sure, a lot, many times and many occasions, but especially when they touch the family, because although one can receive attacks oneself, but when they attack other people from whom you love and care and protect and who do not have nothing to do with what you do, well that’s where you say it comes to affect but one matures, that’s also part of emotional maturity, I’ve done a lot of mental work, it was going to be part of what is this profession always. It affected me more before my mom, my dad would see those attacks and they tell me but it’s not true.

How is that the click to go from one having to settle for a contract, a proposal, for one to decide to accommodate it to one’s life?

Ana Patricia Gámez: It is a realization!… During the 10 years that I was part of Univisión, a point came in my career, and not many people know this . When you work on television, it is supposed to increase, inflation increases, expenses increase, everything increases, but there came a point in my career when they told me: “Ana Patricia, we are going to reduce your salary by 40%, you know that television has changed, there are not the same amount of sponsors, nor money that enters the company, we cannot pay more, but We are also going to reduce the days that you go to work, instead of 5, you will work Monday, Wednesday and Friday”, I am talking about ‘Wake up America’. And I said, they are going to take money from me but they are also going to take away my obligations to work, at that time I already had my store, I always look for the positive side of everything, because if I go to the negative side one gets out of the hole.

Lis I told my husband: “Okay, nothing happens, I dedicate myself more to the store and there I look for the balance to compensate for this money that they are taking from me, which was 40%, it is almost half”. We looked at it again and I was like, “You know what? It is not convenient for me to leave being on the air for 5 days, and being on the air for 3 because I have sponsors, I have contracts and I am going to lose them, I continue to work for you 5 days even if you take away the 40% of my salary”. A couple of years went by like this, and that also taught me a lot, because I challenged myself to look for that money from other sources and it came and not only that, more came, why? Because I started to work r more and realizing that just like today they are taking away salaries and days on television, tomorrow they take everything from me and I am going to leave with nothing. I couldn’t stay like this, with that fear, with that servitude tomorrow they fire me or tomorrow the company is doing even worse, and I’m left without a job, without a fixed salary.

That’s when I started to create many things or ways to have an extra income… To return again now, as we say in Mexico, “you have the upper hand”, in quotes, because obviously one cannot make demands, but speaking with a person who has always advised me in the field, who I cannot say is my manager, a person I trust , because she has been in this career for many years, she told me: “Ana, put a balance, are you wanting to return for the money or for the time?, you are not negotiating money, you are negotiating time because I I realize that you are passionate about this career, you like it even though at some point you have felt that you do not, believe me I know you, I have seen everything you have done in commercials, and your negotiation ion here in this new contract is not money, it’s time”… That’s when I understood it, so that’s why the adjustment of schedules and everything.

Ana Patricia Gámez en 'Despierta América'
Ana Patricia Gámez in ‘Wake up America’. Photo: Wake up America

-What we all wonder the most is what did you feel about Karina Banda? In your podcast you said that you talked to her and that no one takes anyone’s job, but it’s a difficult situation for both of you, you gave her an opportunity and suddenly you come back and go to a reality show that is not the same…

Ana Patricia Gámez: Many people change they think that we have them, what depends on us, if it wasn’t me, maybe it would have been someone else, and she and I talked, as I commented on the podcast, because there she spoke with an open heart, no filter as you know. She told me, “Ana, we shouldn’t be uncomfortable, we know that the outside world can put this pressure on us, but it’s the same thing happened to me, when I worked in Sacramento, a boss offered me the position of someone who was my friend. ”… He mentioned it like that because it is not that Karina and I, despite being colleagues, never had that friendship or that complicity of colleagues because we never really worked together hand in hand, as I could tell you about Francesca (Lachapel). (Karina) told me, “ I went through this many years ago, and I thought of rejecting it. Why? because she was my friend, and the boss told me look, this is a business, this is a profession and I am sure that if this opportunity had presented itself to your friend, she would not turn it down because it is work”. She understood and accepted the opportunity. We’re going to continue working together because she’s going to be on the island, she’s going to be on the reality show ‘Falling in love’, and believe me in that sense we’ve both had our conversations on many occasions, why? because people always seek to compete, to put as if she is better or she is not, and this one does it like this or already, and they have happened to me and I am used to it since ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’, no only with the candidates, with the queens, with any person, I feel that there are always people and not all of them because I cannot generalize, who seek war, blood as they say that always putting 2 women against each other, and not so much for the men, well Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi yes.

Ana Patricia Gámez. Photo: Latin Iconos

– What do you tell the public that supports you and that some even came back, others stayed and are happy, and the one who feels betrayed, and reflects it a little in the drop in rating?

Ana Patricia Gámez: Well I don’t feel that the drop in rating is because I came back or because I didn’t come back, because ‘Falling in love’ is a program that goes up and down, we have had very good days that we have reached very high, other days that go down, soccer, whatever you want… But at the end of the day, My message to everyone is the same, First of all, I would like to thank those who have supported me at all times, those who have also criticized, those who have stayed, those who have left, because in one way or another I I have received your time, your attention, the fact that you go and see me in a program or go and follow me on social networks or that you take your time to leave me a comment, I always appreciate that because the Each person’s time is very valuable and I know that there are people who have supported me in all the circumstances of my life or everything in my career, my profession or endeavors. The most important message for me is that all people remove their fear, remove their fear of making decisions, of taking risks, of wanting to do something, whether it is fear of failing or fear of being criticized or what are they going to say or your family or your partner we enjoy life very little. Now the truth is that fewer and fewer things scare me, my only fear is losing my loved ones, and I’ve already been through that, and I’ve learned to overcome it. Life is one, we do not know how long we will have it to enjoy it, so the important thing is to enjoy it, dare to live the day as if it were the last.



•Ana Patricia Gámez tells her truth on her podcast: “No one took anyone’s job here”

•Karina Banda: This is how she announced the departure of ‘Enamoranos’ to host the reality show

•Ana Patricia Gámez: “I didn’t think I would come back so fast”