Monday, October 28

Know the meaning of having moles on the palm of your hand

The moles on the palm of the hand have a meaning and according to palmistry, a discipline that divines the future through the reading of the lines and features of the hands, reveal aspects of the personality and future of the person according to the location where they have been formed.

The place where they are located is important because it could portend good or bad fortune. It is not the same to have them near the line of life than on the fingers. In each case there is an interesting interpretation.

Moles near the line of life

The line of life It is the one that is located between the thumb and index finger and extends downward in a curve towards the wrist. If there is a mole there, it means luck, abundance and wealth, although there may be a certain laziness and a tendency to illness, according to the Onmanorama site.

Moles on the line of the head

The line of the head It is the one that “parts” the palm of the hand horizontally. It reflects the wisdom of a person, however, having a mole there means that there is a tendency to suffer from nervous disorders .

Polka dots on the line of destiny

It is the line that extends from the wrist to the middle finger and indicates how your life will be in fortune. Having a mole there could be a sign that there is something that could block your success, so you should try harder.

Moles on the heart line

The heart line is the one that runs from the little finger to the index finger and reveals how you express your emotions, as well as your capacity to love. Moles near there indicate difficulties in making the best decisions in your life.

Moles on the fingers

Moles on the index finger: if a mole appears on this finger, it indicates a blockage in your innate leadership capacity, although you have the potential to be, according to exhibits an article from Univision on its online site.
Moles on the middle finger: means that you will have to go through different legal procedures throughout your life.
Moles on the angular finger: a mole on this finger augurs success, fame and public recognition.
Moles on the thumb: speaks of a sensual person with unusual sexual behavior.
Moles on the little finger: it portends that you could have problems understanding your children.

You may be interested : – Letter “M” in the palm of the hand: the difference between having it and not having it
– Palmistry: Discover what figures you have in your hands and what their meaning is
– How many lines do you have on your wrist? Discover its relationship with your future