Saturday, September 21

Moldova Government Says Russian Forces Are Trying To Recruit Its Citizens For War

Los soldados rusos han sufrido grandes pérdidas.
Russian soldiers have suffered heavy losses.


For: The Opinion Updated 15 Apr 2022, 14: 53 pm EDT

Some reports have speculated that the Russian military is looking to recruit citizens from nearby countries to continue their advance against Ukraine. This is due to the heavy losses that Russia has suffered since the war began.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Moldova, Nicu Popesco pointed out during a conference, last 12 of April that these actions by the Russians are very dangerous and should be stopped.

“Such actions do not promote peace for all of us, our fellow citizens for our families. These actions are very dangerous and must stop”, were the only words he expressed in relation to this recruitment, reported the Washington Examiner newspaper.


According to information, these movements are carried out by Russian troops in Transnistria,

a strip of land that covers most of the border between Moldova and Ukraine. The country had already monitored that Russian soldiers were in this area.

So far, the Kremlin has not confirmed the assumptions of the Moldovan government, and on occasion denied having any of its troops in Transnistria. The truth is that Russia has had to resort to nearby countries in order to seek help to strengthen its forces in the war against Ukraine.

Moldova is one of the neighboring countries with Ukraine and since the war broke out has received more than 300 thousand refugees of which half are children and have assured that they have their support at all times.

The Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs, Popesco is also working for the country’s alliance with the European Union.

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