Friday, September 27

Vladimir Putin seeks to redirect Russian energy exports to Asia and accuses the West of destabilizing the market

Vladimir Putin busca redirigir exportaciones rusas de energía hacia Asia y acusa a occidente de desestabilizar el mercado


Deutsche Welle

President Vladimir Putin requested this Thursday (14.04.2022) that Russian energy exports be redirected from Europe to Asia due to the crisis caused by the offensive in Ukraine, and accused Western countries of “destabilizing the market” by wanting to do without Russian hydrocarbons.

“We start from the principle that in the future the deliveries to the west are going to decrease”, said the Russian president at a government meeting dedicated to the energy sector after the imposition of international sanctions.

Therefore, Putin sees it necessary to “reorient” Russian exports “towards the markets of the south and east, which are growing rapidly,” he added.

“European countries continually talk about cutting off Russian supplies, and by doing so they destabilize the market and drive up prices”, he stated.

These statements are produced come as European countries contemplate expanding their sanctions against Moscow’s hydrocarbons in reaction to its military intervention in Ukraine.

afp/reuters /rr