Sunday, September 29

Two women and a girl killed in bloody armed attack on a family

Sicarios atacan a familia en carretera de Zacatecas.
Gunmen attack a family on the Zacatecas highway.

Photo: @cmjimenezxto / Courtesy

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 14 Apr 2022, 7: 50 am EDT

A brutal armed attack against a Mexican family was registered in the dangerous state of Zacatecas, in the center-north of Mexico. The gunmen intercepted the vehicle in which they were traveling 12 people over one highway, which connects the municipalities of Fresnillo and Valparaíso, opened fire; killed two women and one girl , two years old. In addition, seven people were injured and were transferred to different hospitals; some of them with serious injuries

. The Mexican police suspect that it was a assault, but in the media there is talk that this case could be related to gangs of drug trafficking .

-Read more: Mexican singer Gabriel Soto is killed after a gunshot attack on the border

The Mexican Army, the National Guard and the state police cordoned off the area of ​​the tragedy; in the place they found 50 hammered bushings . It is known that the attacked family comes from a rural community and that the truck they were traveling in was an old model, so the theory of an assault is difficult to support. The attackers fled.

The slaughter

24 Hours before the gunmen attacked the family in Valparaíso, another violent event also occurred on a highway in Zacatecas. In this case motorists reported the presence of several bodies on the highway from Pinos to Santiago . The authorities arrived at the point and discovered six corpses, one of them corresponds to a woman and two more to minors .

The officers who attended the case detected that the victims showed traces of torture, they were also tied hand and foot, they had the coup de grâce. For now, the General Attorney of the State of Zacatecas has already opened two investigations into these events, to try to clarify whether the attacks are related or not.

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