Thursday, September 26

This is the Château de la Croë, the millionaire castle that was seized from Roman Abramovich

El castillo francés de Roman Abramovich fue decomisado por las autoridades por su relación con Putin.
Roman Abramovich’s French castle was seized by the authorities for his relationship with Putin.

Photo: Wikipedia / Getty Images

Russian tycoon Roman Abramovich, of 55 years, is in tremendous trouble because of the close relationship he has with Vladimir Putin, which has led the authorities of several countries to ac freeze his accounts and confiscate his propertiess, as happened recently with the striking Château de la Croë, located on the Côte d’Azur, in France, and whose market value would be close to $120,000,000 of dollars.

The spectacular property, dating from the year 1937 and was built by the renowned architect Armand-Albert Rateau, has a lot of history, to the point that its corridors were walked by the Dukes of Windsor , who rented after the abdication of King Edward VIII, as well as by Winston Churchill, who chose that setting to celebrate his fortieth wedding anniversary.

The Greek tycoons Aristotle Onassis and Stavros Niarchos, as well as a group of homeless people also passed by , who took over the site when it was abandoned.

When it seemed that the castle would never be the same, in the 2001 Abramovich opened his wallet and bought it, spending about £30,000,000 pounds ($40 million dollars) to its restoration, with which it managed to recover the brightness that characterized it so much.

According to information from various media outlets, the castle, which is located on a lot of 12 acres in the vicinity of the Mediterranean Sea, has 30 bedrooms, with eight bathrooms, with hall, with kitchen , with dining room, with dining room, with living room, with main room, with TV room, with game room, with library, with office, among other rooms.

Among the rooms that Abramovich added that there is a pool in the roof garden, as well as or a movie theater and gym in the basement area.

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