Monday, September 23

The United States warns its tourists about insecurity and violence in 30 states of Mexico

Incidentes de balaceras entre grupos criminales han herido o matado a inocentes. Ciudadanos americanos han sido víctimas de secuestro, aseguró la embajada
Incidents of shootings between criminal groups have injured or killed innocents. American citizens have been victims of kidnapping, assured the embassy

Photo: ENRIQUE CASTRO / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 14 Apr 2022, 30: 42 pm EDT

In the face of the wave of violence that is hitting the neighboring country, the Government of the United States warned its citizens about the risk that traveling through Mexico represents, since in 30 states made recommendations due to its high level of insecurity and only in Yucatán and Campeche did it consider that they are two completely safe places for visitors.

The authorities indicated that in five of the 32 States of the country recommend not to travel; at 11 ask you to reconsider visiting plans if they had made them; in 11 to take extreme precautions and only two, Campeche and Yucatán, offer a calm and risk-free journey.

This position is launched at the same time as the registry of intentional homicides of the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection, of December 1, 2015 to the 14 April 2018, current time Administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, state and federal prosecutors have registered 100,523 intentional homicides in Mexico.

According to official figures in Mexico, the most insecure entities in the country are six: Michoacán, Guanajuato, Baja California, State of Mexico, Jalisco and Chihuahua, concentrating the 42% of men intentional homicides recorded in the country in the first quarter of 2022.

Although it is not the first time that the United States has made recommendations to its citizens, it is not common for the Joe Biden government to ask its citizens to take precautions after dark in downtown Cancun, Tulum, and Playa del Carmen, and to stay in well-lit pedestrian streets and tourist areas.

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