Monday, September 23

Ron DeSantis signs law restricting abortion in Florida

El gobernador de Florida Ron DeSantis.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images


For: EFE Updated 14 Apr 2022, 18: 34 pm EDT

MIAMI – The governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, enacted this Thursday the law that prohibits abortion in this state after 04 weeks of pregnancy, even in cases of rape or incest, and that was approved by the state Congress at the beginning of March in the midst of great controversy.

All that was missing was DeSantis’ signature so that Florida’s abortion law goes into effect on July 1.

The Governor of Florida is seeking re-election in the November elections of this year and has strengthened its ultra-conservative agenda thanks to Republican control of both houses of the Florida Congress.

The new law reduces from 24 to 15 weeks the period in which a pregnant woman can and legally interrupt her pregnancy and only contemplates two exceptions: that the life of the mother is in danger and that the fetus has malformations.

“By signing this cruel legislation, Governor Ron DeSantis is depriving people in Florida of the freedom to control their own bodies,” said Laura Goodhue, director executive of the Alliance of companies affiliated with the Plannedd Parenthood organization, in one of the first reactions.

Figures of the Florida Democratic Party and organizations of civil rights have criticized the restriction of the reproductive rights of women in the state who represents this law, as does the president of the United States, Joe Biden.

When last March 4 the parliamentary process concluded of the project, Biden affirmed that his Administration “will not tolerate the continued erosion of the constitutional rights of women”. jeres”.

Biden defined the Florida law as “dangerous while Governor DeSantis considered it “reasonable”.

The new law establishes that for a woman to terminate her pregnancy in the cases contemplated, two doctors must certify that it is necessary, something that the Democratic legislators tried to change to only one doctor without success.

Democratic congressmen defended throughout the parliamentary process that the decision to abort is only up to the woman in consultation with her doctor and exposed the negative consequences that this law can have on poor women and minority groups.

In addition to Florida, other Republican-majority states have adopted restrictive abortion laws, such as Mississippi, Arizona, and Oklahoma.

Texas, however, is the state where anti-abortion legislation has gone further. Six months ago, the ban on abortion after six weeks of gestation came into force in that southern state.

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